State Machine Design Design a state machine that will detect a serial pattern of 011011 from a serial in stream eWhen this pattern is detected set match=\1 output for one cycle .Test your design by Input the following
What is vhdl a very high speed integrated Hardware Description Language(VHDL is an industry standard hardware description language description the hardware in language instead of graphic easy to modify
Tri-State Buffer There are two application area for the Tri-State Buffer Internal Tri-State- Buffer Logic need a Tri-State Buffer within Device External Tri-State Buffer Logic need a Tri-State Buffer at the/O pin What Altera can provide Altera will implement Internal Tri-State Buffer with MUX
Design Requirement The design need to run at 78Mhz or above All the pin has been locked down, you can not changed any/o pin You are allowed to modify the circuit as far as the functional does not changed
What is ahdl Altera Hardware Description Language develop by altera integrate into the altera software Max+ Plus I description the hardware in language instead of graphic easy to modify easy to maintane very good for