Wheat derived from separate ancestors, and which differ in chromosome numbers. One classification of the races, with the probable wild types, chromosome numbers (2n) and the cultivated forms is shown in Table
4.1 There are four C. H, alkyl groups, and so there are four C. H, CI alkyl chlorides. Each may be named by both the functional class and substitutive methods. The functional class name uses the name of the alkyl group followed by the halide as a second word. The substitutive name modifies the name of the corresponding alkane to show the location of the halogen atom
Lors de l'embauche a I'entreprise, toute personne affectee au travail et a la manipulation des produits est soumise a un examen medical, par le medecin conventionne de la societe. Celui-ci delivre un certificat medical a toute personne saine et assure son suivi medical au moins une fois par an. Au besoin