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Pathological changes -- glomerular injury Clinical manifestations --proteinuria / hematuria A group of diseases Complicated causes & mechanisms Various clinical manifestations Different prognosis Multiple treatment
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一、解剖学分类 ㈠ 大叶性肺炎 ㈡ 小叶性肺炎 ㈢ 间质性肺炎
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肠结核是结核杆菌侵犯肠道引起的慢性 特异性感染
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定义:肝硬化是一种常见的慢性、进 行性、弥漫性肝病,由一种或几种病因 长期或反复作用引起
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DEFINITION · An acute inflammatory process of the pan- creas usually associated with sever pain in the upper abdomen in most instances, blood levels of pancrea- tic enzymes are increased sever acute pancreatitis: organs failure and/or local complications(necrosis, absc- ess, psuedocyst)
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一、概述 二、病因病机 三、诊治纲要 四、辨证论治 五、转归预后 六、预防调护 七、研究进展
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单纯性甲状腺肿Simple Goiter 定义:多种原因所致的甲状腺非炎 性,非肿瘤性肿大,甲功一般正常。 分类:地方性(Endemic goiter ) 和散发行(sporadic goiter)
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一、概述 二、病因病机 三、诊治纲要 四、辨证论治 五、转归预后 六、预防调护 七、研究进展
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