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◆7.0 Introduction ◆7.1 Design of Discrete-Time IIR Filters From Continuous-Time Filters ◆7.2 Design of FIR Filters by Windowing ◆7.3 Examples of FIR Filters Design by the Kaiser Window Method ◆7.4 Optimum Approximations of FIR Filters ◆7.5 Examples of FIR Equiripple Approximation ◆7.6 Comments on IIR and FIR Discrete-Time Filters
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◆5.0 Introduction ◆5.1 Frequency Response of LTI Systems ◆5.2 System Functions For Systems Characterized by Linear Constant-coefficient Difference equation ◆5.3 Frequency Response for Rational System Functions ◆5.4 Relationship Between Magnitude and Phase ◆5.5 All-Pass System ◆5.6 Minimum-Phase Systems ◆5.7 Linear Systems with Generalized Linear Phase
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◆5.0 Introduction ◆5.1 Frequency Response of LTI Systems ◆5.2 System Functions For Systems Characterized by Linear Constant-coefficient Difference equation ◆5.3 Frequency Response for Rational System Functions ◆5.4 Relationship Between Magnitude and Phase ◆5.5 All-Pass System ◆5.6 Minimum-Phase Systems ◆5.7 Linear Systems with Generalized Linear Phase
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4.0 Introduction 4.1 Periodic Sampling 4.2 Frequency-Domain Representation of Sampling 4.3 Reconstruction of a Bandlimited Signal from its Samples 4.4 Discrete-Time Processing of Continuous Time signals 4.5 Continuous-time Processing of Discrete Time Signal
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◆8.0 Introduction ◆8.1 Representation of Periodic Sequence: the Discrete Fourier Series (DFS) ◆8.2 Properties of the DFS ◆8.3 The Fourier Transform of Periodic Signal ◆8.4 Sampling the Fourier Transform(DTFT) ◆8.5 Fourier Representation of Finite-Duration Sequence: the Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT) ◆8.6 Properties of the DFT ◆8.7 Linear Convolution using the DFT ◆8.8 the discrete cosine transform (DCT)
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§2-1 医学信号的类型 §2-2 生物电信号的产生 §2-3 生物电信号在生物体内的传导 §2-4 生物电信号的频、幅特性和内、外源性干扰 §2-5 生物电信号对放大器的要求
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第一节保护生物学的定义和研究内容 一、保护生物学的定义 保护生物学:一门价值取向与处理危机的科学保护生物学与生态学的关系就像是急诊与保健,或战争与政治之间的关系。研究生物多样保护的科学即研究从保护生物物种及其生存环境着手来保护生物多样性的科学
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实验一 离散时间信号与系统分析 实验二 离散时间信号与系统的 Z 变换分析 实验三 IIR 滤波器的设计与信号滤波 实验四 用窗函数法设计 FIR 数字滤波器 实验五 用 FFT 作谱分析 实验六 综合实验 附录: 各实验参考程序
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一、激素和其他化学信息分子: 1、激素(hormone)的概念: 由人和动物内分泌腺或散在的内分泌细胞所分泌的高效能的生物活性物质,经组织液或血液传递而发挥其调节作用,此种化学物质称为激素
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(1)频域分析方法概述 (2)简单信号和复杂信号 (3)FFT算法和自回归模型(AR)算法 (4)频域的相关性分析(Coherence) (5)频谱分析举例-脑电频域分析
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