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1、了解卤代烃的分类、同分异构、命名和物理性质。 2、掌握卤代烃的化学性质及不同卤代烃活性的差异。 3、了解亲核取代反应历程,S1和S2历程的竞争
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一、判断题 1、设代数系统是的子代数,则 S  G。 ( ) 2、如果一个有向图D是欧拉图,则 D是强连通图。 ( ) 3、设 G 为 n 阶无向图简单图,则其补图也为 n 阶无向图简单图。 ( )
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1.3 流体流动的基本方程 1.3.1 基本概念 1.3.2 质量衡算方程 1.3.3 运动方程 一、作用在流体上的力 二、运动方程 三、N-S方程 四、欧拉方程 五、不可压缩流体稳定层流时的N-S 方程若干解
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The operational amplifier (hereafter OP-AMP)is developed in the 1940s primarily for use in analog computers, made cheaply and readily available in the late 1960s through integrated-circuit technology. The actual construction of a modern OP-AMP is indeed very complex, involving many transistors, diodes, resistors and capacitors
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Syllabus of Physical Geology Chapter 1 meet planet earth Chapter 2: Global Tectonics, Our Dynamic Planet oChapter 3: Atoms, Elements, Minerals, Rocks: EarthsBuilding materials Chapter 4: Igneous Rocks: Product of Earth's Internal fire Chapter 5: Magma And volcanoes Chapter 6: Weathering and soils Chapter 7: Sediments and Sedimentary rocks Chapter 8: Metamorphism and Metamorphic rock Chapter 9: How rock Bends, Buckles, and Breaks Chapter 10: Earthquakes and Earth's Interior Chapter 11: Geologic Time And The rock record Chapter 12: The Earth Through Time
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•§ 10-2 Magnetic Field Gauss’law in Magnetic Field 磁感应强度 磁场的高斯定理 •§ 10-1 Magnetic Phenomena Ampere’s Hypothesis 基本磁现象 安培假说 •§10-3 Boit-Savart Law &Its Application 毕奥 – 萨伐尔定律及其应用 •§ 10-4 Ampere’s Law & Its Application 安培环路定理及其应用
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一、选择题1,B2,3,C 二、填空题1,5.13,0.71,2,(1)O2,600m/s,H2,2400m/s; (2)具有从0到无穷大所有速率氧分子的概率,3(1)分子当作质点,不占体积(2)分子之间除碰撞的瞬间外,无相互作用力。(忽略重力)(3)分子之间碰撞是弹性碰撞(动能不变)
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In this lecture we will look at some applications of Newton's second law, expressed in the different coordinate systems that were introduced in lectures D3-D5. Recall that Newton's second law F=ma, (1) is a vector equation which is valid for inertial observers. In general, we will be interested in determining the motion of a particle given
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1.掌握UV-240紫外可见光谱仪的基本操作方法。 2.明了电子跃迁的基本及积分吸收强度S,爱因斯坦吸收系数B灬,振子强度∫;跃迁矩积分Rm的测定原理 3.通过测定o(NH3hkh3的S,Bm,f,Rm等参数,判断[o(NH3)}3的dd电子跃迁特性
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3-1气象因素对家畜的影响 一温度 (一)家畜的体热调节与平衡 1体热调解 2热平衡方程:M=±R±C±±±W±S M=代谢热T=辐射热C=对流热K=传导热E=蒸发热 W=做功热S=循环热 方式 (1)辐射(2)传导(3)对流(4)蒸发E=k*V(ss-pa)*As (5)通过采食饮水排泄等方式进行散热 化学调节产热 辐射 体热调节 非蒸发传导通过皮肤 物理调节—散热
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