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7.1进制数字调制 7.1.1二进制幅度键控(2ASK)
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Covers materials in lectures from 10/15 through 11/26 Does not include Lab Lectures A formula sheet will be provided (if needed) Lecture on Monday, Dec. 8th Lab tour of Analog Devices MEMS Facility We will leave from the classroom at 2: 35PM SHARP
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MEMS LAB SESSION 2 Undercut Silicon Nitride using KOH Etching OVERVIEW OF LAB SESSION: This lab session utilizes potassium hydroxide(koh) wet etching to undercut and release the silicon nitride cantilevers and fixed-fixed beams. In Step
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6–1 反馈的基本概念及基本方程 6–2 负反馈对放大器性能的影响 6–3 反馈放大器的分类及对输入、输出阻抗的影响 6–4 反馈放大器的分析和近似计算 6–5 反馈放大器稳定性讨论 6—6 运算放大器的小信号闭环带宽、压摆率及功率带宽
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Some useful equations for Quiz# 2 Constants:kB=1.38×1023J/K=862×105eV/K,e=16×101Coul I atm=760 Torr=10 Pa Ideal gas: Pv=NkBT N/=n=C(concentration), J
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Problem 1 Deal-Grove model states that the thickness of the oxide is related to a time constant r and two constants A and b by the relation
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3–1 结型场效应管 3–2 绝缘栅场效应管(IGFET) 3–3 场效应管的参数和小信号模型 3–4 场效应管放大器
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Solubility limit for P at 1273 K is Co 2 1 x 10 cm\. Intrinsic carrier concentration is 10 cm\. Thus, before including higher order terms, Do=13x10-4 cm2/s. But with first order and second order correction terms
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(1)收割机械 (2)回转式切割器 (3)往复式切割器
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All the questions are from Plummer, Chapter 10, p.679-680, which was handed out in class 1)Question 10.3 2) Question 10.4 3)Question 10.5 4) Question 10.6
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