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10.1 What is transfer of learning? consider the two students: Henry is bilingual:He speaks both English and Spanish fluently.He begins a French course in high school and immediately recognizes many similarities between French and Spanish. “Aha,”he thinks, “my knowledge of Spanish will help me learn French”. Ted’s mathematics class has been working with decimals for several weeks. His teacher asked, “which number is larger, 4.4 or 4.14?” Ted recalls something that he knows about whole numbers: Number with three digits are larger than numbers with only two digits. “The larger number is 4.14”, he concludes
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3.1 What is learning? Are they instances of learning? (1) A young child takes his first steps. (2) An adolescent male feels a strong attraction to certain females. (3) A child feels anxious when he sees the doctor coming with a needle. (4) Long after learning how to multiply, a girl realizes on her own that another way to multiply by 5 is to divided by 2 and multiply by 10(e.g. 428×5 can by figured as follows:428/2=214 ×10=2140)
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说明:本作业题属于与学生的实作和研究性学习相关的平时作业选题,基础知 识基本原理的题目不在此列。学生对各章题目可以作出选择,不一定完成全部 作业
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Constructivism are based on the idea that, unlike a computer disk or an empty container, students do not wait passively to be filled up with knowledge. Rather, students actively build, or construct, their own knowledge.Teachers cannot entirely control their students’ learning, expert teachers can do much to facilitate students’ own active learning processes
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了解当今世界的时代特征,明确自己的历史使命;充分认识到大学 是人才成长的重要阶段,把握人才成长的一般规律,努力构建成才素质。 [教学重点和难点] 当代大学生的历史使命;大学生应具备的素质;大学生素质的培养 途径和方法
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4.1 Thorndike’s Connectionism 4.1.1 Edward Lee Thorndike:1874-1949, American educational psychologist. 1891-1895,studied English literature in Wesleyan University. 1895-1897,studied psychology in Harvard Unviversity.(James) 1897-1898, studied in Columbia University, and got his PH.D.(Kattel) 1912, became Chairman of APA
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一、科学、技术、艺术三者的关系 科学:是对客观规律的反映,是表述客观规律的理论。技术:是由理论转化而来的操作行为,是规范的、有程序要领的、可复制的行为或方法艺术:技术和艺术都是\术\,都是行为方法
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在了解教育本质之后,知道了教育是什么我们还必须进一步认识教育目的是什么?教 育为谁培养人?培养什么样的人?等等。这是每个教育工作者首先要搞清楚的重要问题。倘 若我们不明白这些,教育工作就失去了目标与方向,也就谈不上教育质量问题
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教育是一个过程,而不是一个场所。教育同时也是一种研究探索、应用,进一步探 索、理解、应用和反思、分析以及应用和反思的研究。随着我国教育改革的不断深化和 发展,对教师的要求也越来越高,教育科研能力不仅是一个教师合理的能力结构中重要的组 成部分,而且已成为当前衡量教师创新意识和创造才能的一个重要指标
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在教育活动中,教师必须采取一系列的手段才能完成教育任务,无论教师采用怎样的教育流 程、组织形式、完成什么样的教育任务,都必须采用一定的教育方法。自从人类有了教育活动, 也就有了教育方法的创造和应用。教育方法的实践与理论发展,从一个侧面反映了教育活动变革 与发展的进程
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