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《新编国际贸易实务——International Trade Practice》PPT教学课件_第12章 商业信用证及其单据审核
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《新编国际贸易实务——International Trade Practice》PPT教学课件_第11章 进出口合同的商订和履行
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《新编国际贸易实务——International Trade Practice》PPT教学课件_第09章 进出口商品价格与核算
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《新编国际贸易实务——International Trade Practice》PPT教学课件_第07章 商业信用证
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《新编国际贸易实务——International Trade Practice》PPT教学课件_第05章 国际货物运输保险
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《新编国际贸易实务——International Trade Practice》PPT教学课件_第02章 商品的品名、品质、数量和包装
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《新编国际贸易实务——International Trade Practice》PPT教学课件_第01章 绪论
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天津科技大学:国际贸易务实(双语)_Chapter 7 合同的商订和履行 Business Negotiation and Implementation(狄琳娜)
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◼ 1.To learn the most commonly used instruments of payment– bill of exchange, promissory note and cheques. ◼ 2.To learn the methods of payment in international trade– remittance, collection, letter of credit and bank guarantee
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◼ 1.To learn the modes of transport,esp. ocean transportation. ◼ 2.To understand the nature of liner transport ◼ 3.To understand the various kinds of B/L ◼ 4.To understand the contents of transport clause
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