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一、伽利略变换式经典力学的相对性原理 在两个不同的坐标系 relativity principle和Σ中,描述P点的位置
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一、偏振(polarization)现象 机械横波与纵波的区别
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习题18-3 解:火车的固有长度为l=300m火车速度为v=100(km.h-)=250/9(m.s)
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1 Light waves and the coherent condition of waves 1. Light waves Light wave is a small part of the whole electromagnetic wave spectrum. Wavelength (m) 102
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Chapter 13 temperature, heat transfer, and first law of thermodynamics Thermodynamics study the thermal energy (often 10\ -Universe just after beginning called the internal energy) of systems
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(一)热力学研究的主要内容: 1、能量的转换和守恒 2、过程的方向和限度
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一、光程(optical path) 1、光在真空中的速度c=lu1 2、光在介质中的速度u=ucn
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一、单摆(simple pendulum) 二、复摆(compound pendulum)
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第四节 磁场对运动电荷及电流的作用
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