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本章重点学习内容: 1、安全投资与生产投资的关系 2、安全投资与安全效益的关系 3、安全效益评价 4、职业伤害事故经济损失规律与安全经济决策 难点内容: 1、安全损失函数 L(s),增值函数 I(s),安全功能函数 F(s),成本函数 C(s),效益函数 E(s)的理解 2、 全经济投资最低消耗原理 3、 安全投资最大消耗原理 4、 安全经济投资的合理评价 5、 安全经济效益的计量方法
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微型计算机的基本组成有三部分,即中央处理器 CPU(通常包括运算器和控制器)+存储器+输入/输出(I/O) 接口。若将组成计算机的基本部件集成在一块芯片上,则 俗称为单片微机。 80C51内部结构如图2-1所示,主要包括中央处理 器CPU(算术逻辑部件ALU、控制器等)、只读存储器 ROM、随机存取存储器RAM、定时器/计数器、并行IO 口P0~P3、串行口、中断系统以及定时控制逻辑电路等
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Before we look specifically at thin-walled sections, let us consider the general case (i.e, thick-Walled) Hollow thick-walled sections Figure 12.1 Representation of a general thick-walled cross-section 中=c2 on one boundary φ=c1 on one boundary This has more than one boundary(multiply-connected do=0 on each boundary
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Directions: This part is to test you listening ability. It consists of 3 sections Section a: Conversations Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each mersation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversations and the questions will be spoken only ONCE. After each question there will be a pause During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide
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Part I Listening Comprehension(20 minutes) ection a Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. B oth the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each quest ion there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices mar ed A), B), C), and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corres ponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre
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6 The noe effect c Gerd Gemmecker, 1999 Nuclear OVERHAUSER Effect(NOE): resonance line intensity changes caused by dipolare cross- relaxation from neighbouring spins with perturbed energy level populations To understand the nature of the NOE, we have to look at a two-spin system I' and
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4.9 Comparison Between Slip and Twinning Similar ity Both slip and twinning are shear process under shear stress T I. Differences 1. Orientation 2. Atom movement 3.y,△ a) Structure: Twinning is easy 4. Conditions b) Temperature da d c) Strain rate (c
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In going from the state space model i(t)=A.(t)+ Bu(t y(t)= Ca(t)+ Du(t) to the transfer function G(s)=C(sI -A)-B+D need to form the inverse of the matrix(sI- A)-a symbolic inverse- not easy at all For simple cases, we can use the following
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Unit Five Text B I. Pre-Reading Task 1.\Intel is the name of a(n A U.S. company B. IBM computer C government department D branch of the Internet 2. China is a country scientists and engineers in terms of computing technology
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顺序查找是一种最基本和最简单的查找方法。它 的思路是,从表中的第一个元素开始,将给定 的值与表中逐个元素的关键字进行比较,直到 两者相符,查到所要找的元素为止。否则就是 表中没有要找的元素,查找不成功。对于表中 记录的关键字是无序的表,只能采用这种方法上一章 。描述顺序查找的算法见框图8-1。其中n是表r 的长度,k是要查的元素的关键字,i查到的元 素的序号
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