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树是一个或多个结点组成的有限集合 T,有一个特定结点称为根,其余结 点分为m(m0)个互不相交的集合 T1,T2,…,Tm。每个集合又是一棵 树,被称为这个根的子树。 树是一种递归结构,可以包含一个结 点,该结点包含不相交的树的指针 (即子树)
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Problem set SolutioN Exercise for home study o&W8.35 (a) From the system diagram, we see that a(t)=a(t)cos(wet) Using the multiplication property ZGu)= o(X(u)* FT(cos wct)) FT of cos wt is two impulses with area T at +wc. Therefore, Z(w)is the spectrum
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一. 简算题(25 分) 1. 设某线性电路的冲激响应为 h(t)=e-t+2e-2t,求相应的网络函数 H(s),并绘出极、零点图
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例 1-3:求电流 i、功率 P (t)和储能 W (t)。 解:uS (t)的函数表示式为:
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下面讨论在条件N(1)=n下,S,S2…,S,的条件分布问题。 定理:设{N()t≥0}为时齐 Poission过程,则对v0
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一.某个转基因载体结构,卡那霉素选择标记基因旁边紧密连锁着目的基因(抗冻基因)。 用该结构转化烟草叶片,筛选抗卡那霉素的叶片细胞再生植株,即为T0代转基因植株。T 代转基因植株开花结果,即得T1代种子
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Exercise for home study O&W4.47 tea this problem examines the Fourier transform of a continuous-time LTI system with a real, causal impulse response, h(t) (a) To prove that H(w) is completely specified by eh(u) for a real and causal h(t) lore the even part of a function, he(t)
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血药浓度变化规律c(t)=De\V控制范围c1≤c(t)≤c 已知k,cn2,设计药量D和间隔T
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Responsible for reliable transmission of packets over a link – Framing: Determine t he star t and end of packets (sec 2.5) – Error Detection: Determine w hen a packet contains errors (sec 2.3) – Error recovery: Retransmissio n of packets containing errors (sec 2..4)
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一、选择与填空(50 分) 1. 某常压湿空气由 t1 被加热到 t2,则空气的性质参数变化为: H1()H2、φ1()φ2、I1()I2、td1()td2、tw1()tw2、tas1()tas2、cH1()cH2、vH1()vH2
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