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第一节 发酵的操作方式 第二节 温度变化及其控制 第三节 pH变化及其控制 第四节 溶解氧及其控制 第五节 泡沫的形成与控制 第六节 发酵染菌及其防治
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第一节 工业常用微生物及要求 第二节 工业微生物菌种的选育 第三节 生产菌种的改良 第四节 菌种的衰退、复壮与保藏 第五节 种子的扩大培养
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The PD Process coordinates the specific research activities such as product design, process development, engineering plant design, marketing strategy and desig with the aim of producing an integrated approach to the development of new products. The overall aim is to create a product that an individual consumer or a food manufacturing company or food service organisation will buy. The two parts of product development-the knowledge of the consumer's needs/wants and the knowledge of modern scientific discoveries and technological
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The aim of this chapter is to identify the important factors in food product development to be studied in detail in the succeeding chapters. Firstly the different groups of food products are identified as a basis for organising product strategy. Then the published research on the factors in product failure and product success in all types of industries is used to identify the key factors in food product development. This leads into the management of product development at three different levels:
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Product development does not occur in isolation as a separate functional activity. It is a company philosophy, a basic company strategy and a multifunctional company activity. In recent years to show this all-encompassing basis, bringing together product, process, marketing and organisational innovations, there has been development of an overall innovation strategy. This innovation strategy is related to the company's overall business aims and strategy, as well as the social, economic and technological environment, and the company's own knowledge and skills. The business strategy also includes a duct strategy outlining the products of the future. The combination of the innovation and product strategies is the basis for the product development strategy, and from this can be developed
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综合实验1 估计水塔的水流量 综合实验2 轧钢中的浪费问题 综合实验3 锁具装箱问题 综合实验4 檐沟问题 综合实验5 快餐店问题 综合实验6 最佳泻洪方案 综合实验7 钻井问题布井模型 综合实验8 食品加工问题 综合实验9 块匹配运动位移估值算法设计 综合实验10 矢量量化编码的LBG算法及其实现 综合实验11 圆的扫描转换算法—中点画圆法 综合实验12 大熊猫栖息地环境质量综合评价
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一、《无公害猪肉》的概念 1、《无公害猪肉》的提出 根据我国农业部行业标准NY5029 -2001提出,包括《无公害猪肉》 的定义、技术要求、检验方法、 标志、包装、贮存和运输
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生态学:研究生物系统与其环境条件间相互作用规律性的科学。 微生物生态学:研究微生物群体(微生物区系或正常菌群)与其周围的生物和非生物环境条件相互作用关系的科学。 主要内容:微生物在自然界中的分布;微生物与其它生物间的关系;微生物在自然界物质循环中的作用;微生物在污水处理中的应用。  第一节 微生物的分布与菌种资源的开发  第二节 微生物与自然界中的物质循环  第三节 微生物间及与其它生物间的相互关系  第四节 微生物与环境保护
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第一节 发酵动力学 第二节 发酵过程的代谢变化规律 第三节 发酵参数的检测和控制
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