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第二章极限论 第二讲极限(二) 阅读:第二章2.3pp.4043 预习:第二章2.4pp.4450 练习pp43--44习题2.3:1至810;12,(2),(4),()(8)9,12)(14) 作业pp43--44习题2.3:91112,(1),(3,(5)(7((1)(13)(15) 班级
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一、无界域上波动方程定解问题求解 二、半无界域上波动方程定解问题求解
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二、齐次化原理求解非齐次定解问题 一、傅里叶级数法求解非齐次定解问题
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利用 Mathcad的内部 maximize和 minimize函数可以求多元函数的条件极值例1求函数u=x-2y+2x在条件x2+y2+2=1下的极值 1定义函数f(x,y,z)=x-2y+2z 2为各个自变量指定猜测值x1y=0z=-1 3将约束条件置于关键字 Given之后,用
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 3.1.1 定义  3.1.2 弱解的存在性  3.1.3 弱解的正则性
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1、三维空间中的曲线; 2、三维空间中的曲面; 3、曲面的第一、二基本形式; 4、曲面的曲率; 5、测地线; 6、张量简述
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 2.1.1 定义  2.1.2 弱解的存在性  2.1.3 弱解的正则性
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实验10求多元函数的无条件极值 方法一:基本求解法: 步骤1定义函数z=f(xy) 步骤2求解方程组f《x,y)=0f(xy)=0,求出驻点; 步骤3对每个驻点求出二阶偏导数:A=f\
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1 Preliminary 11 Introduction 12 Cardinality 13 Topology of the Euclidean space 14 Metric space and Baire Category theorem 15 Continuous functions and Distance in metric space 151 Hausdorff distance and Gromov-Hausdorff distance 152 Invariant of domain 2 Lebesgue measure 21 Exterior measure 22 Measure 23 Borel sets and Measurable sets 24 Linear transformation of measurable sets 25 Sets of positive measure 3 Measurable functions 31 Measurable functions 32 Simple functions 33 Littlewood’s Three principles 4 Lebesgue’s integration theory 41 Integration 42 Interchanging limits with integrals 43 Lebesgue vs Riemann 44 Fubini’s Theorem 5 Differentiation 51 Monotone functions 52 Fundamental theorem of Calculus I 521 A detour: Bounded variation functions 53 Fundamental theorem of Calculus II 54 Lebesgue Differentiation Theorem 6 Function spaces 61 L P spaces 611 Normed vector space 612 A detour: Convexity and Jensen’s inequality 613 Completeness: Banach space 614 Separability 62 Hilbert space:
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一、状态类型定义 二、状态类型判别 三、状态间的关系 四、闭集、状态空间的分解 五、有限马氏链
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