Method of Green’s functions General concepts of Green’s function Fundamental solution Green’s function of the evolutionproblems Fundamental solutions of the evolutionproblems
§2-1 Newton’s Laws Force Inertial Reference Frame 牛顿定律 力的概念 惯性参考系 §2-2 General Properties of Forces in Mechanics 力的基本性质 §2-4 Fundamental Quantities and Units Dimensions ﹡基本量和力学单位制 量纲 §2-5 Applying Newton’s Law of Motion 牛顿定律应用 §2-3 The Fundamental Forces of Nature ﹡ 四种基本力
The students will learn the consonants: nasals, approximants & lateral(s) in English. Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Define - in their own words a definition for Nasals, Approximants & Lateral(s); 2. Compare – based on the understanding of the basic concept, compare them with other consonants;