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9.1键盘 9.2显示器I/O 9.3打印机I 9.4串行通信口I/O
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第六章常微分方程 6-3高阶线性方程 6-3-1高阶线性常系数方程的解 6-3-2 Euler方程 第二十三讲高阶线性常系数阶线性方程 6-3-1高阶线性常系数齐次方程的解 考察n阶线性常系数齐次方程 d x dx d +am+.+ax=o dr dt d t 其中a1,an为实常数 或记成 L(Dx=o 由上一段的讨论知道方程L(Dx=0在区间(-∞,+∞)有n个线性无关解
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Let be the set of all input variables, X={, X1, .Xn} Let y be the set of all output variables, y={Y, 1 ...m} o The combinational function, F, operated on the input variable set, to produce the output variable set y. o The output is related to the input as
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Hazard o Boolean algebra does not account for propagation delays through signal paths of actually circuits. o The delay can cause glitches to occur. A glitch is an unwanted signal, usually short pulse caused by the transient behavior of signal path that have different delays A hazard exists any time the potential for glitches is present
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例1设随机变量X具有数学期望E(X)=u,方差 D()=o2≠0.记*=(X-u)/o
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第六章设备管理 6.1概述 6.2I/O软件的组成 6.3I/O硬件特点 6.4有关技术 6.5设备处理 6.6典型外部设备
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第一周作业参考答案 3.11011.011(B)=27.375(D)=33.3(O)=1B.6(H) 4.240.75(D)=110000.11(B)=360.6(O)=0.C(H) 5 E3(H)=11100011() E3(H)为原码时,x=-110011(B)=-99(D) E3(H)为反码时,[]原=10011100(B)(x=-11100=-28(D) E3(H)为补码时,[]原=10011101(B),(x=-11101=-29(D) E3(H)为无符号数时,X=E3(H)=227(D) 因为E3(H)的高4位E(H)=14(D)超出了0~9的范围,所以E3(H)不可能为压缩BCD码
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一、被动运输被动运输( passive transport)是指通过简单扩散或协助 (outside) lipid-soluble molecules,扩散实现物质由高 O2, CO2, H2O浓度到低浓度方向的跨膜转运。(一)简单扩散 (inside)
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第一章城市污水处理工程方案设计 1.1混凝沉淀工艺处理城市污水…1 1.2强化一级工艺处理城市污水……3 1.3缺氧+传统活性污泥法(A/O法)处理城市污水()6 1.4缺氧+传统活性污泥法(A/O法)处理城市污水() 1.5T型氧化沟处理城市污水 1.DE型氧化沟处理城市污水…9 1.7AB法处理城市污水22
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Must choose routes for various origin destination pairs(O/D pairs) or for various sessions - Datagram routing: route chosen on packet by packet basis Using datagram routing is an easy way to split paths Virtual circuit routing: route chosen a session by session basis Static routing: route chosen in a prearranged way based on O/D pairs Eytan Modiano
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