G e n o m i c s a n d M o l e c u l a r I m a g i n g Fundamental Technology Hurdles Platform Concepts Disease Targets Industry and Academic Partnerships
The two middle terms are zero: fort>lo,n(t) and are uncorrelated becauset) is white(impulse correlation function) For=, n() has a finite effect on x()because n() is white. But the integral of a finite quantity over one point is zero
OFDM Systems (N subcarriers) Frequency Available bandwidth is divided into N B subband.Each symbol△f (1kHz) occupies a narrow band but longer time Time
11, Circuit Switching and Packet Switching destination[. de ti' n e i jan]n.目的地,终点 allocate[' aelak e i t]vt.分配,分派,配给 release[ri'li:s]vt.释放,放松,发布 Jargon[吗a:gan]n.行话,土语