Unit #9 -Calculus of Variations Let u be the actual configuration of a structure or mechanical system. u satisfies the displacement boundary conditions: u=u* on Su. Define
Concept Question Which of the following statements is true 1. The PVD and the PMPE are equivalent 2. The PVD is more general 3. The PMPE applies to any kind of material 4. The stationary character of the potential en ergy is equivalent to the Pvd for elastic ma terials
What, in your opinion is the value of ritz's method? 1. Some. It is fraught with difficult make it almost impossible to apply to the challenging problems of design of moder aerospace structures
The reaction on the left end is not exact because 1. The order of interpolation is too low, a higher order of interpolation would give the right reaction 2. The distributed load attributed to node one does not ke it into the solution