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华中农业大学:《细胞工程学》课程教学资源(教案讲义)第六章 原生质体培养
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华中农业大学:《细胞工程学》课程教学资源(教案讲义)第五章 植物细胞培养与次生产物生产
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4.1 NMR HARDWARE Hardware overview Magnet Field lock Shim Coils Sample probe RF CoIls Gradient coils Qadrature Detector Digital Filtering
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Welcome to the exiting world of NMR... though a little hard to learn... remember... .Why just NMR... .How a ID NMR spectrum look like... .What we can obtain from it... and what can we do for a big molecule
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A remarkab|efie|d e One of the two leading technologies in structural biolog y Great contributions to biology A special window to the development of modern structural biology and biophysics THNMR YAN
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THE MATHEMATICS OF NMR EX ons Trigonometric Functions Differentials and Integral Coordinate Transformations Convolutions Imaginary Numbers The Fourier transform tial Functions
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一、连锁与互换现象 二、连锁互换与基因作图 三、连锁群
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