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高考复习:语言表达衔接连贯之选句题与排序题的解题要诀讲学案_讲学案 衔接连贯补写题的解题方法【教师版】
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第一讲导学、导论 第二讲余论、第一章 第三讲第二章 第四讲第三章、第四章 第五讲第五章、第六章 第六讲复习
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一、理论要求 1.函数概念与性质 函数的基本性质(单调、有界、奇偶、周期)几类常见函数(复合、分段、反、隐、初等函数) 2.极限 极限存在性与左右极限之间的关系夹逼定理和单调有界定理会用等价无穷小和罗必达法则求极限
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TOPICS TO BE COVERED Why do error analysis? If we don't ever know the true value, how do we estimate the error in the true value? Error propagation in the measurement chain How do errors combine? (How do they behave in general?)
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Why search (and cite) the literature of your field? Credibility: To be sure that your work is based on current, sound researchthe-- best in your field. Focus: To be able to place your work in context. Efficiency: To be sure that you're not duplicating work
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通过讲授部分牙体缺损的修复一—金属铸造全冠的适应症和禁 忌症,修复前的设计,以及牙体预备步骤和要求,使学生掌握牙体 预备的步骤和要求,熟悉金属铸造全冠的适应症、禁忌症和修复前 的设计思想
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Prof. Ed Greitzer Prof. Earll Murman \The course faculty is responsible for the structuring of the subject and the development of the learning objectives, subject content and assessment tools. The course faculty will lead all class and team meetings and grade all written and oral material. The course faculty, together with input from the 16.62x staff and Writing Program Instructor, are responsible for assessing
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Elements of Designing an Experiment Goal is to assess your hypothesis The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing-[Tom Curran, AFRL] The design goal for your experiment is to achieve your objective and satisfy your success criteria. Your HOS are the touchstones for your experimental design
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