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电子科技大学:《网络安全理论与技术 Theory and technology of network security》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)第十章 总结与展望
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一、改革开放特别是党的十六大以来科技事业取得的成就 二、加快科技改革发展是关系全局和长远发展的重大部署 三、以促进科技与经济社会发展紧密结合为重点,深化科技体制改革,加快国家创新体系建设
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Principle 1: Securing the weakest Principle 2: Defense in depth Principle 3: Secure failure Principle 4: Least privilege (cont.) Principle 5: Compartmentalization Principle 6: Simplicity Principle 7: Promote privacy Principle 8: Hard to hide secrets Principle 9: Be Reluctant to Trust Principle 10: Use Community Resources Principle 11: Minimize Attack Surface Principle 12: Don’t mix data & code Principle 13: Clearly Assign Responsibilities Principle 14: Identify Your Assumptions Principle 15: Audit Your System Principle 16: Have Good Usability
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南京大学:《网络安全与入侵检测 Network Security and Intrusion Detection》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)04 Advanced Encryption Standard(AES)
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南京大学:《网络安全与入侵检测 Network Security and Intrusion Detection》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)06 Number Theory
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南京大学:《网络安全与入侵检测 Network Security and Intrusion Detection》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)08 Authentication Using Asymmetric Keys
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南京大学:《网络安全与入侵检测 Network Security and Intrusion Detection》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)10 Kerberos
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南京大学:《网络安全与入侵检测 Network Security and Intrusion Detection》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)12 Secure Socket Layer(SSL)、TLS(Transport Layer Security)
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南京大学:《网络安全与入侵检测 Network Security and Intrusion Detection》课程教学资源(课件讲稿)14 Buffer Overflow Attacks
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