Authentication Using Asymmetric Keys Haipeng Dai 313 CS Building Department of Computer Science and Technology Nanjing University
Authentication Using Asymmetric Keys Haipeng Dai 313 CS Building Department of Computer Science and Technology Nanjing University
Authentication Problem:How do you prove to someone that you are whom you claim to be? Any system with access control must solve this problem. ■ Goals: -1.Mutual Authentication:each party authenticates itself to the other party. -2.Key Establishment:establish a session key.This session key will be used to encrypt and decrypt messages between the two parties using symmetric key cryptography. Methods -Authentication with asymmetric keys -Authentication with symmetric keys -Human authentication 2
2 Authentication Problem: How do you prove to someone that you are whom you claim to be? Any system with access control must solve this problem. Goals: ─ 1. Mutual Authentication: each party authenticates itself to the other party. ─ 2. Key Establishment: establish a session key. This session key will be used to encrypt and decrypt messages between the two parties using symmetric key cryptography. Methods ─ Authentication with asymmetric keys ─ Authentication with symmetric keys ─ Human authentication
Authentication Using Asymmetric Keys Assumption -Everyone knows your public key -No one(except you)knows your private key Threat Model (i.e.,what we assume attackers can do): -Message injection Inject a new message into a channel,e.g.,TCP poisoning attacks injecting TCP RESET. Message modification Modify a message in a channel -Message loss .Delete a message in a channel -Message replay Replay an old message.The message is authentic,but old. 3
3 Authentication Using Asymmetric Keys Assumption ─ Everyone knows your public key ─ No one (except you) knows your private key Threat Model (i.e., what we assume attackers can do): ─ Message injection ● Inject a new message into a channel, e.g., TCP poisoning attacks injecting TCP RESET. ─ Message modification ● Modify a message in a channel ─ Message loss ● Delete a message in a channel ─ Message replay ● Replay an old message. The message is authentic, but old
Version 1 A,n,(nPRA Alice (Private key PRA Public key PUA) Bob Here n denotes a nounce. An ideal nounce has two properties Freshness(No repetition) -Each nounce is used at most once during any infinite execution of a protocol ●Unpredictability -Knowing all nounces used in the past does not help to determine the next nounce to be used -In practice,it is simulated using a large random number. -Sometimes we only need the freshness property.In this case,we can use: Increasing sequence number.The sender needs to remember the last sequence number.The numbers may increase randomly each time. Real time,i.e.,time stamp. 4
4 Version 1 Here n denotes a nounce. ─ An ideal nounce has two properties ● Freshness (No repetition) – Each nounce is used at most once during any infinite execution of a protocol ● Unpredictability – Knowing all nounces used in the past does not help to determine the next nounce to be used ─ In practice, it is simulated using a large random number. ─ Sometimes we only need the freshness property. In this case, we can use: ● Increasing sequence number. The sender needs to remember the last sequence number. The numbers may increase randomly each time. ● Real time, i.e., time stamp. Alice (Private key PRA, Public key PUA) Bob A, n, {n}PRA
Version 1 A,n,{npRA Alice Bob Question 1:Can we replace (n)by nUA? -Answer:No.Everyone knows PUa and can compute {n}PUA. Question 2:What is wrong with this authentication protocol? -Answer:No.An attacker can replay this message later to authenticate himself to Bob. -How to fix this problem? 5
5 Version 1 Question 1: Can we replace {n}PRA by {n}PUA ? ─ Answer: No. Everyone knows PUA and can compute {n}PUA . Question 2: What is wrong with this authentication protocol? ─ Answer: No. An attacker can replay this message later to authenticate himself to Bob. ─ How to fix this problem? Alice Bob A, n, {n}PRA
Version 2 A n Alice n PRA Bob Now attackers cannot replay (n}PRA Question:What is wrong with this authentication protocol? -No session key is established. -Authentication-mutual identity verification session key establishment -How to fix this problem? 6
6 Version 2 Now attackers cannot replay {n}PRA. Question: What is wrong with this authentication protocol? ─ No session key is established. ─ Authentication= mutual identity verification + session key establishment ─ How to fix this problem? Alice Bob A n {n}PRA
Version 3 A n Alice (n,Kab PRA Bob Kab denotes a session key Question:What is wrong with this authentication protocol? -Answer:Attackers can see Kab because they know Alice's public key. -How to fix this problem? 7
7 Version 3 Question: What is wrong with this authentication protocol? ─ Answer: Attackers can see Kab because they know Alice’s public key. ─ How to fix this problem? Alice Bob A n {n, Kab}PRA Kab denotes a session key
Version 4 A n Alice in,KabPRAJPUn Bob Kab denotes a session key Only Bob can decrypt{KU Denning Sacco "Time Stamps in Key Distribution Protocols"(1981) Question:What is wrong with this authentication protocol? Answer:vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks: 一 the attacker makes independent connections with the victims and relays/modifies/injects/deletes messages between them. 8
8 Version 4 Only Bob can decrypt {{n, Kab}PRA}PUB. Denning & Sacco “Time Stamps in Key Distribution Protocols” (1981) Question: What is wrong with this authentication protocol? Answer: vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks: ─ the attacker makes independent connections with the victims and relays/modifies/injects/deletes messages between them. Alice Bob A n {{n, Kab}PRA}PUB Kab denotes a session key
Man-in-the-middle (MITM)Attack on Version 4 Alice I am Robert I am Alice Bob Robert A n (n,KarPRA PUR Now,Robert knows Ka {(n KarpRA)PUn When Alice begins to talk to Robert,Robert starts to talk to Bob as Alice. Question:How to fix this problem? -Solution 1:use {fn,Kar}PURPRA to replace {fn,Kar)PRA)PUR - Solution 2:use {(n,R,Kar)PRA}PUR to replace {n,KarPRA)PUR Principle:Encryption should be inside a signature,otherwise we need to include principal's names. 9
9 Man-in-the-middle (MITM) Attack on Version 4 When Alice begins to talk to Robert, Robert starts to talk to Bob as Alice. Question: How to fix this problem? ─ Solution 1: use {{n, Kar}PUR}PRA to replace {{n, Kar}PRA}PUR. ─ Solution 2: use {{n, R, Kar}PRA}PUR to replace {{n, Kar}PRA}PUR. Principle: Encryption should be inside a signature, otherwise we need to include principal’s names. A n {{n, Kar}PRA}PUR Alice Bob A n Robert {{n, Kar}PRA}PUB Now, Robert knows Kar I am Robert I am Alice
Version 5 A n Alice {n Kabj PUBPRA Bob KAB denotes a session key Now only Alice and Bob can know the session key KAB Question:What is wrong with this authentication protocol? -Authentication-=mutual identity verification session key establishment 一 Bob authenticates Alice,but Alice did not authenticate Bob. -How to fix this problem? 10
10 Version 5 Now only Alice and Bob can know the session key KAB. Question: What is wrong with this authentication protocol? ─ Authentication= mutual identity verification + session key establishment ─ Bob authenticates Alice, but Alice did not authenticate Bob. ─ How to fix this problem? Alice Bob A n {{n, Kab}PUB}PRA KAB denotes a session key