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1.设物体绕定轴旋转,在时间间隔[0,内转过的角度为O,从 而转角是t的函数:a0.如果旋转是匀速的,那么称=O为该 物体旋转的角速度,如果旋转是非匀速的,应怎样确定该物体在 时刻t0的角速度?
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竞争的结果若导致冒险(险象)发生(如上例中的毛刺),并造成 错误的后果,则称这种竞争为临界竞争;竞争的结果不导致冒险发 生(如上例中的t1,t3时刻,没有毛刺),或虽有冒险发生,但不影 响系统的工作,则称这种竞争为非临界竞争
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1.教学目的要求 (1)掌握食物热价、氧热价、呼吸商的概念 (2)掌握影响能量代谢的主要因素 (3)掌握基础代谢的概念、测定方法及其临床意义; (4)理解间接测热法的原理和测算原则 (5)了解交感神经、Ad与T3、T对能量代谢的影响
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17.1 Introduction 17.2 The mating pathway is triggered by pheromone-receptor interactions 17.3 The mating response activates a G protein 17.4 Yeast can switch silent and active loci for mating type 17.5 The MAT locus codes for regulator proteins 17.6 Silent cassettes at HML and HMR are repressed 17.7 Unidirectional transposition is initiated by the recipient MAT locus 17.8 Regulation of HO expression 17.9 Trypanosomes switch the VSG frequently during infection 17.10 New VSG sequences are generated by gene switching 17.11 VSG genes have an unusual structure 17.12 The bacterial Ti plasmid causes crown gall disease in plants 17.13 T-DNA carries genes required for infection 17.14 Transfer of T-DNA resembles bacterial conjugation 17.15 Selection of amplified genomic sequences 17.16 Transfection introduces exogenous DNA into cells 17.17 Genes can be injected into animal eggs 17.18 ES cells can be incorporated into embryonic mice 17.19 Gene targeting allows genes to be replaced or knocked out
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11.1 Introduction 11.2 Lytic development is divided into two periods 11.3 Lytic development is controlled by a cascade 11.4 Functional clustering in phages T7 and T4 11.5 Lambda immediate early and delayed genes are needed for both lysogeny and the lytic cycle
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非正弦周期信号展开成傅氏级数,分解成直流 分量和各谐波分量之和,根据线性电路的迭加 性,求解稳态响应便归结为求解直流响应和正 弦稳态响应。 现以RLC串联电路在非正弦电压源 v(t) 作用下 求解电流i(t)为例进行说明
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recognition by most T cells from recognition by B iction. In most cases, both th maturati vation of ma the involver diversity o CD4\ and CD class I MHC Activat Engagement of TcR by Peptide: MHC Initiates interaction of th n antigenic Signal Transduction tide displayed though the sp
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cell receptor when complexed with MHC,are called antigens. The molecular properties of antigens and he way in which these properties ultimately contribute to immune activation are central to our understanding of the mmune system. This chapter describes some of the molecu- Complementarity of Interacting Surfaces of Antibody(left) lar features of antigens recognized by B or T cells. The chap and Antigen(rig ter also explores the contribution made to immunogenicity by the biological system of the host; ultimately the biological system determines whether a molecule that combines with a a Immunogenicity Versus Antigenicity Bor T cells antigen-binding receptor can then induce an im
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October 22, 2001 Personal IdentityⅢ . Review soul criterion and body criterion Soul criterion: x is the same person as y iff and y have the same soul. Problems: i)There is no way to establish body-soul correlations; and no way to establish personality correlations. So soul criterion doesn't make sense of our practices of recognizing and identifying people ii)We have no special access to souls, so even in our own case we can't be sure it's the same soul \inside\ us whenever we are conscious. ii) The problem of identity is \pushed back\: what is it for person-stage x to have the same soul as person-stage y? What makes for sameness of souls? Body criterion: x is the same person as y iff x and y have the same living human body
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一、概念题(20分,每空格1分) 1.1mol理想气体的温度由T1变为T2时它的恰变△H与热力学能的变化U之差为 2.石墨的标准摩尔燃烧焓等于二氧化碳气体的标准摩尔生成焓。对、错)
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