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一、选择题(共 33 分) 1. 在真空中波长为 λ 的单色光,在折射率为 n 的透明介质中从 A 沿某路径传播到 B,若 A, B 两点位相差为 3π,则此路径 AB 的光程为( ) (A)1.5λ. (B)1.5nλ. (C)3λ. (D)1.5λ/n.
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首先,复习e=Bδlv公式,说明 e正比于Bδ。结合图2.1解释v=2πRn/60(m/s, n(r/min)); 机械角速度Ω=v/R=2πn/60 ( r/s); 电角速度ω=pΩ=p2πn/60 (rad/s) (记下来);导体或线圈
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光纤(Optical Fiber)即光导纤维,我们讨论通信所用的阶跃光纤。它的简化模型是中心纤芯半径为a,折射率为n1;层半径为b,折射率为n2;外部空气折射率为n0,并满足
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Wheat derived from separate ancestors, and which differ in chromosome numbers. One classification of the races, with the probable wild types, chromo￾some numbers (2n) and the cultivated forms is shown in Table
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一、寄存器 寄存器是用来寄存数码的逻辑部件,所以必须具备接收和寄存数码的 功能。任何一种触发器都可以构成寄存器,每一个触发器存放一位二进制数 或一个逻辑变量,用n个触发器组成的寄存器就可以存放n位二进制数或n个 逻辑变量
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Interpretation over a singleton Let I be , and σ ∈ ΣI. 1. I(A)(σ) = I(∀xA)(σ). 2. I(t)(σ) = a. 3. I(Sx1,···,xn t1,···,tn A)(σ) = I(A)(σ). 4. I0(P), σ(P) ∈ {I(n), Ψ(n)} for every n-ary predicate constant (variable), where
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Interpretation An interpretation I of F is , where D is a non-empty set called the domain of individuals. I0 is a mapping defined on the constants of F satisfying 1. If c is an individual constant, then I0(c) ∈ D. 2. If f n is an n-ary function constant, then I0(f n) : Dn → D
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Substitutivity of Equivalence Let A,M and N be wffs and let AMN be the result of replacing M by N at zero or more occurrences (henceforth called designate occurrences) of M in A. 1. AMN is a wff. 2. If |= M ≡ N then |= A ≡ AMN
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定理2.4.1(Weierstrass聚点原理)设E为R中有界无限集,则 E≠中 证明取互异点列Mk=(x1,x2,n)∈,由于E有界,所以{Mk k=1,2.}有界,从而{x=1.是有界集,由数学分析中已证 明的直线上的聚点原理知:x1及x1的子列x→x1这时M满足第一个坐标 收敛,对于第二个坐标x2可能不收敛,但有界由直线上的聚点原理知:x2 及x2的子列x2→x2,则Mk满足第一、第二坐标收敛。此过程继续作下去,第 n次找到的子列Mm便满足所有坐标都收敛即M→M其中M= 00 (x1,x2,xn),即M为E中的聚点。证毕 推论2.4.1有界点列必有收敛子列
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d maino int n. 2 long int fac=l printf(\请输入一个正整数:\) scanf(\%d\, &n)
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