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14-1 Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)简谐振动 14-2 Amplitude Period Frequency phase简谐振动的振幅,周期,頻率和位相 14-3 The Energy of SHM简谐振动的能量 14-4 Damped Vibration& Forced Vibration Resonance阻尼振动受迫振动共振 14-5 Superposition of two SHM with same Frequency in same Direction同方向同頻率的简谐振动的合成 14-6 Superposition of two Perpendicular SHM相互垂直的简谐振动的合成
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§9-1 Conductors Elecrostatic Induction 静电场中的导体 静电感应 §9-3 Dielectrics 电介质的极化 §9-4 Gauss’ Law in Dielectric 电介质中的电场 Electric Displacement 有电介质时的高斯定理 电位移 §9-5 Energy in Electric Field 电场的能量 §9-2 Capacitance 电容器 电容器的并联和串联
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§3—1 功 功率 §3 — 2 动能 动能定律 §3 — 3 势能 §3 — 2 功能原理 机械能守恒定律 §3 — 2 能量守恒定律
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1. Which of the following processes must violate the first law of thermodynamics?(There may be more than one answer!) ()W>0, 0, (C)W>0, 0, and AEint0,g>0,andEint<0
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1. Which type of ideal gas will have the largest value for C-Cp? (D) (A)Monatomic (B)Diatomic (C)Polyatomic (D)The value will be the same for all. Solution: The difference between the molar specific heat at constant pressure and that at constant volume is
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§3-1 Work(功) §3-2 Kinetic Energy(动能)and The Law of Kinetic Energy(动能定理) §3-3 Conservative Force(保守力) & Potential Energy of Weight Elastic Potential Energy (弹性势能) Universal Gravitational Potential Energy §3-4 Conservation of Mechanical Energy(机械能) §3-5 The Conservation of Energy
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§ 4–1 动量 冲量 动量原理 § 4 – 2 动量守恒定律 § 4 – 3 碰撞 § 4 – 4 质点对定点的角动量角动量守恒定律
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§5–1 刚体的平动、转动和定轴转动 §5–2 力矩 转动定律 转动惯量 §5–3 转动的动能 力矩的功 §5–4 绕定轴转动的刚体的角动量和角动量守恒定律
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5-1 Motion of Rigid body刚体的平动、转动和定轴转动 5-2 Torque The Law of Rotation rotational Inertia力矩刚体定轴转动定律转动惯量 5-3 Applying the Law of rotation转动定律的应用 5-4 Kinetic Energy and Work in Rotational Motion定轴转动的动能定理 5-5 Angular Momentum of a rigid Body Conservation of Angular Momentum定轴转动的刚体的角动量定理和角动量守恒定律
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§6-1 气体动理论的基本概念 §6-2 气体的状态参量、平衡状态、理想气体状 态方程 §6-3 气体动理论的压强公式 §6-4 气体分子的平均平动动能与温度的关系 §6-5 能量按自由度均分原则、理想气体的内能 §6-6 麦克斯韦速率分布定律 §6-7 波耳兹曼分布律 §6-8 分子的平均自由程和平均碰撞次数 §6-9 实际气体的范德瓦耳斯方程 §6-10 气体内的迁移现象
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