3.1 A brief history of western E.P. The foundation of E.P.: before 1920s Wundt,1879: methodology James, “Talks to the teachers” 1899; “The principles of psychology”1890; Dewey: apply psychology to education
4.3.1 Burrhus FredericSkinner:1904-1990 Born in Susquehanna,Pennsylvania. Received bachelor’s degreein Hamilton College in New York, majored in Englishliterature. He decided to be a writer.(influenced by RobertFrost)
Instructional objectives: What does one learn in his learning, according to Tolman? What is the opinion of Tolman aboutreinforcement and reinforcementexpectancy?
5.1 Edward Chace Tolman (1886-1959) Born in Newton,Massachusetts. Received his B.S.degree fromthe Mass.institutes of Technology inelectrochemistry in 1911