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一、基因治疗的策略 The Strategy of Gene Therapy 二、基因转移技术 The Technique of Gene Transfer 三、基因干预 Gene Interference 四、治疗基因的受控表达 Regulated Expression of Therapeutic Gene 五、基因治疗的应用研究 The Application of Gene Therapy
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酶的分类 1961年国际生化协会酶命名委员会根据酶所催化的反 应类型将酶分为六大类,即氧化还原酶类、转移酶类、水 解酶类、裂解酶类、异构酶类和合成酶类,分别用1、2、 3、4、5、6的编号来表示,再根据底物中被作用的基团或 键的特点将每一大类分为若干个亚类,每个亚类可再分若 干个亚-亚类,仍用1、2、3、……编号。故每一个酶的分 类编号由用“.”隔开的四个数字组成
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Like all other foods of plant or animal origin, milk contains several indigenous enzymes which are constituents of the milk as secreted. The principal constituents of milk (lactose, lipids and proteins) can be modified by exogenous enzymes, added to induce specific changes. Exogenous en- zymes may also be used to analyse for certain constituents in milk. In addition, milk and most dairy products
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5.1 概述 5.2 细菌的生物化学特性 5.3 细菌浸铀(矿)的基本原理 5.4 微生物培养基 5.5 菌种的保藏 5.6 细菌的驯化培养 5.7 细菌浸出的影响因素
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1 概述 2 细菌的生物化学特性 3 细菌浸铀(矿)的基本原理 4 微生物培养基 5 菌种的保藏 6 细菌的驯化培养 7 细菌浸出的影响因素
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The water content of dairy products ranges from around 2.5 to 94%(w/w) (Table 7.1) and is the principal component by weight in most dairy products, including milk, cream, ice-cream, yogurt and most cheeses. The moisture content of foods (or more correctly their water activity, section 7.3), together with temperature and pH, are of great importance to food technology. As described in section 7.8 water plays an extremely important
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Vitamins are organic chemicals required by the body in trace amounts but which cannot be synthesized by the body. The vitamins required for growth and maintenance of health differ between species; compounds regarded as vitamins for one species may be synthesized at adequate rates by other species. For example, only primates and the guinea-pig require ascorbic acid (vitamin C; section 6.4) from their diet; other species possess the enzyme gluconolactone oxidase which is necessary for the synthesis of vitamin C from D-glucose or D-galactose
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一、物理性质与功能 (一)亲水性 定义:糖类的羟基通过氢键与水分子相互作用,导致糖类及其许多聚合物的溶剂化和(或)增溶作用。 1、结构与吸湿性
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第 一 节 脂质的构成、功能及分析 The Composition, Function and Analysis of Lipids 第二节 脂质的消化与吸收 Digestion and Absorption of Lipids 第三节 甘油三酯代谢 Metabolism of Triglyceride 第四节 磷脂的代谢 Metabolism of Phospholipid 第五节 胆固醇代谢 Metabolism of Cholesterol 第六节 血浆脂蛋白及其代谢 Metabolism of Lipoprotein
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第一节 蛋白质的营养价值与消化、吸收 Nutritional Values and Digestion, Absorption of Proteins 第二节 氨基酸的一般代谢 General Metabolism of Amino Acids 第三节 氨的代谢 Metabolism of Ammonia 第四节 个别氨基酸的代谢 Metabolism of Individual Amino Acids
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