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4.4.1变配电系统监控 (1)监控管理功能 A.检测运行参数,为正常运行时的计量管理、事故发生时的故障原因分析提供数据。 B.监视电气设备运行状态,并提供电气主接线图开关状态画面;如发现故障,自动报警,并显示故障位置、相关电压、电流数值等
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13.1胶体及其基本特性 13.2溶胶的制备与净化 13.3溶胶的动力性质 13.4溶胶的光学性质 13.5溶胶的电学性质 13.6溶胶的稳定性和聚沉作用 13.7乳状液(见十二章) 13.8大分子概说 13.9大分子的相对摩尔质量 13.10 Donnan平衡
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在研究粘性系数较小的流体在流速不大的 情况下,可以近似地看成是理想流体流动,用 前面讲的欧拉运动微分方程以及第六章理想流 体的势流理论来讨论。但若流体的粘性影响不 可忽略时,就不能用上述理论,要采取其他的 方法,也就是本章将讲述的内容
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一、概述心律失常是临床常见病,是心动 频率和节律的异常表现。 1.类别:有缓慢型和快速型 缓慢型有窦性心动过缓(60次分以下)、传 导阻滞(心房、房室、心室)等。 快速型有窦性、异位过速两类:如窦性心动 过速、心房早搏、房扑、房颤、心室早搏、阵 发性心动过速(室上性、室性)、心室纤维颤 动等
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第一节药物的基本作用 第二节药物剂量与效应关系 第三节药物与受体
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简介 一、计算地震作用的方法可以分为静力法、反应谱法(拟静力法)和时程分析法(直接动力法)三大类。 二、我国《抗震规范》要求在设计阶段按照反应谱方法计算地震作用,少数情况才需要采用时程分析法进行补充计算。规范要求进行第二阶段验算的建筑是少数,第二阶段验算采用弹塑性静力分析或弹塑性时程分析方法
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一、填空(每空1分,共30分) 1.在并行机系统中,常用的静态互联网络有等。 2.在并行机系统中,常用的动态互联网络有和
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We will start by studying the motion of a particle. We think of particle as a body which has mass, but has negligible dimensions. Treating bodies as particles is, of course, an idealization which involves an approximation. This approximation may be perfectly acceptable in some situations and not adequate in some other cases. For instance, if we want to study the motion of planets it is common to consider each planet as a particle
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In this lecture we will look at some other common systems of coordinates. We will present polar coordinates in two dimensions and cylindrical and spherical coordinates in three dimensions. We shall see that these systems are particularly useful for certain classes of problems Like in the case of intrinsic coordinates presented in the previous lecture, the reference frame changes from point to point. However, for the coordinate systems to be presented below, the reference frame depends only on the position of the particle. This is in contrast with the intrinsic coordinates, where the reference frame is a function of the position, as well as the path
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