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第一节概述 第二节斜弯曲 第三节拉伸(压缩)与弯曲的组合作用 第四节偏心压缩(拉伸)截面核心 第五节杆在弯曲与扭转共同作用下的强度计算
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第一节几何组成分析的目的 第二节平面体系的自由度概念 第三节几何不变体系的简单组成规则 第四节几何组成分析的步骤和举例 第五节静定结构和超静定结构
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第一节杆件的内力及其求法 第二节梁的内力图及其绘制 第三节弯矩、剪力、荷载集度间的关系 第四节叠加法作剪力图和弯矩图 第五节其它杆件的内力计算方法
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旅游经济学课程是阳江职业技术学院旅游管理专业开设的专业必修课。旅游经济学是 以经济学的一般理论为指导,研究旅游经济活动中各种经济现象、经济关系和经济规律的 科学。本课程旨在通过对旅游经济活动的运行及其运行过程中产生的经济现象、经济关系 的硏究,揭示支配旅游经济运行的规律,以有效地指导旅游实际工作,促进旅游经济的协 调、稳定、持续的发展,使旅游业获得更大的经济效益与社会效益
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1、了解药物的种类、领取,熟悉药物的保管 2、掌握给药原则,常用外文缩写及中文译意 3、能说出给药中评估的内容,列出给药的计划,能正确
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To present and practice English as it is used both in the explanation of modern machines and the processes they carry out. It also covers describing the operations needed to get machines to work and to show others how to undertake certain business operations Back
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Warming up There are many occasions when people have to deal with money and talk about money. We know that a company always has its own Accounts department to deal with monetary problems. They pay their suppliers and receive money from buyers by invoice, letter of credit or other forms. Sometimes they need to chase money, and sometimes they owe money to other companies
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Objectives This unit deals with basic telephoning skills and also receiving and noting down messages. Students are given a chance to discuss and develop their telephone techniques and practice making different kinds of business calls. The functions of requesting, offering help and asking permission are also introduced and practiced in this unit
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objectives This unit deals with how to take notes in business contexts, how to summarize conversations and how to plan and write reports. It's a unit which can be used either as an introduction for students with little experience in report- and summary writing
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一、水平网站 水平网站可以将买方和卖方集中到一个市场上来进行信息交流、广告、拍卖竞标、交 易、库存管理等。水平网站一开始都以提供各大企业采购软件起家,如 , ariba Ariba.com的ariba.com 和 CommerceOne的 MarketSite net等,在积累了足够的客户群后才连带建立水平网站,因 此这类网站也可视为各大企业内部采购部门的延伸,其主要客户一般是大型企业
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