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FATTY CHANGE Excessive entry of free fatty acids into the liver (starvation, corticosteroid therapy). Enhanced fatty acid synthesis. Decreased fatty acid oxidation. Increased esterification of fatty acid to triglycerides (alcohol). Decreased apoprotein synthesis (CCl). Impaired lipoprotein secretion from the liver (alcohol)
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Definition of pathology Pathology is to study diseases by scientific methods. Disease may be defined as an abnormal alteration of structure or function in any part of the body
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CELLULAR ADAPTATION Excessive physiologic stresses. Some pathologic stimuli. A new, but altered state preserving the viability of the cell
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Motional pathway of embolus: Embolus from left heart cavity or arterial system Embolus from right heart cavity or venous system Embolus from portal veins Paradoxical embolism Retrograde ethrombus
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ANTITHROMBOTIC PROPERTIES Inhibition of platelet aggregation: PGL NO, ADPase Anticoagulant -binding and inhibition of thrombin: Antithrombin acceleration by heparin-like molecules, thrombomodulin activation of protein C/S, a2-macroglobulin. Fibrinlysis: Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA)
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慢性肉芽肿性疾病 (chronic guanulomatous diseasse) 一、X连锁/常染色体隐性遗传性疾病 二、 NADPH氧化酶缺乏 三、过氧化氢酶阳性菌感染
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Single-Stranded Filamentous DNA Bacteriophages M13, fl and fd Distinct Properties of M13 -Infect Escherichia coli Infect only male cells through attachment to the male-specific pilus Have circular single-stranded DNA Can be used as a cloning vector and DNA sequencing vehicle in genetic engineering Infect but not kill the cells
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The Purple Bacteria, also called Proteobacteria is the largest and most physiological diverse of all bacteria Beta purple bacteria Chemolithotrophs Chemoorganotrophs Chemoorganotrophs Gamma purple Alpha purple bacteria
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Questions list for Bacteria IIB List as many as possible the enteric bacteria you have known. What diseases they may cause? 2 What Neisseria species causes sexual disease?
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Questions list for Bacteria I 1. Draw the phylogenetic tree of the major lineages of Bacteria based on 16S ribosomal RNA Sequence comparisons. 2. How many groups of purple bacteria you have learned?
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