8.1 声速与马赫数 Velocity of Sound and Mach Number 8.2 一维定熵稳定流动 One dimensional Isentropic Steady Flow 8.3 喷管出口流速和流量的计算 Outlet Velocity and Flow rate Calculation for Nozzles 8.4具有摩擦的绝热稳定流动 Adiabatic steady flow with friction 8.5 绝热节流 Adiabatic throttling
3.1系统的宏观和微观储存能 Macroscopic and microscopic energy of system 3.2热量、功量及质量引起的能量传递------传递中的能量 Energy transfer by Heat, Work and Mass 3.3热力学第一定律与闭口系统的能量平衡方程 The first law of thermodynamics and Energy balance equation of closed system 3.4开口系统的能量平衡方程 Energy balance equation of open system 3.5稳态稳定流动的能量平衡 Energy balance for steady-flow systems 3.6工程中的几种稳态稳定流动装置 Some steady-flow engineering devices