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1.名词解释:寄生虫,宿主,终宿主,中间宿主,保虫宿主,转续宿主,生活史,感染阶段,带虫者,中绦期,虫媒病 2.何谓寄生?寄生与共栖、互利共生如何区别? 3.试述寄生生活对体内寄生虫的影响
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5.1传染病模型 5.2经济增长模型 5.3正规战与游击战 5.4药物在体内的分布与排除 5.5香烟过滤嘴的作用 5.6人口预测和控制 5.7烟雾的扩散与消失 5.8万有引力定律的发现
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前不久在一本杂志上看到这样一个故事,内容如下 个出名吝啬的乡绅请医生替他的妻子看病 “人家说你十分吝啬,”医生说,“我一定能拿得到诊费吗? 不管你治好还是治死了她,你都可以不必打官司便拿到钱。”乡绅说。 医生悉心医治,可是乡绅夫人还是死了,医生要乡绅付诊费
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一、植物病害概述 二、植物病原生物 三、植物病害的发生和发展 四、植物病害的诊断
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Section 1 general consideration Inflammation is the reaction ofa tissue and its microcirculation to a pathogenic insult. It is characterized by the generation of inflammatory mediators and movement offluid and leukocytes from the blood into extravascular tissues
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高温损伤:烧伤(死)、烫伤(死)、日(热)射病等。 指机体组织接触干热(火)、湿热(蒸汽或热水)、化学品 (如腐蚀物)、电(电流或雷电)、摩擦、辐射或电磁能等 所导致的损伤
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Section 1 Concept of Tumor Section 8 Characteristics of benign versus malignant tumor Section 2 Morphology 0f tumors Section 9 Precancerous lesion, dysplasia and Carcinoma in situ Section 3 Differentiation and Atypia of tumors Section 10 Molecular basis of tumors Section 4 Nomenclature and classification of tumors Section 11 Carcinogenic agents of environment Section 5 Growth and spreading of tumors Section 12 Inheritance and tumors Section 6 Grading and staging of tumors Section 13 Tumor immunity Section 7 Effects of tumors to man Section 14 Common tumors
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重点:三型黄疸的病因、发生机理和鉴别 概述:由于血清中胆红素升高致使皮肤、 粘膜和巩膜发黄的症状和体征 正常胆红素34.2umo/L则出现黄疸
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