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7. Pest Prevention 7.1 Special Reporting type service 7.1.1 The company must either contract the services of an approved pest control organisation, or must have ned on site personnel, for the reqular ins pection and treatment of premises to deter and destroy infestation staff
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5. Food Handling Practices 5.1 Use of colour coded equipment 5.1.1 Equipment used in different areas of a factory should be colour coded or clearly dentified in such a manner as to designate that department and to prevent the risk of cross contamination e.g. chopping
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3. Process Equipment/Machinery 3.1 Adequate equipment layout avoiding congestion 3.1.1 The design and layout of the factory and equipment must ensure efficient production of safe products and allow access for adequate cleaning and pest control
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GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMTING GMP IN FOOD PROCESSING 1. Factory Structure and Fabrication 1.1 Adequate separation including clean and dirty processes 1.1.1 The flow of raw materials, work in progress, finished product, personnel and equipment through the factory should be as linear as possible Auditor's Recommendations
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Why? Understanding is key to control and prevention HACCP GMP SOP Preventive measure Food safety
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