GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMTING GMP IN FOOD PROCESSING Food Handling practices 5. 1 Use of colour coded equipment 5.1.1 Equipment used in different areas of a factory should be colour coded or clearly dentified in such a manner as to designate that department and to prevent the risk of cross contamination e. g. chopping boards, knives and product trays used in the raw material area must not be used in the work in progress or finished product sections Auditors Recommendations. Look At: Look For. Equipment Identification Equipment colour coded clearly or uniquely identified for intended use 5.1.2 Each department should have an inventory of all colour coded or uniquely identified equipment, which is checked daily and any damaged or broken items replaced Auditors Recommendations Look At Look For. Equipment Identification and Equipment colour coded or uniquely identified for intended use traceability Records of equipment and traceability 5.1.3 Each department should be supplied with sufficient colour coded or uniquely identified equipment to eliminate the need to"borrow items from other areas, even on a temporary basis Auditors Recommendations Look At Look For Equipment Identification and Equipment colour coded clearly or uniquely identified for intended use traceability Records of equipment and traceability 5.1. 4 The use of brightly coloured coded equipment will significantly reduce the potential for foreign body contamination as splinters of it would be easily identified in the product Auditor's Recommendations Look At: Look For. Equipment Identification Equipment colour coded clearly to identify intended use
GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMTING GMP IN FOOD PROCESSING 5. Food Handling Practices 5.1 Use of colour coded equipment 5.1.1 Equipment used in different areas of a factory should be colour coded or clearly dentified in such a manner as to designate that department and to prevent the risk of cross contamination e.g. chopping boards, knives and product trays used in the raw material area must not be used in the work in progress or finished product sections. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Equipment Identification Equipment colour coded clearly or uniquely identified for intended use 5.1.2 Each department should have an inventory of all colour coded or uniquely identified equipment, which is checked daily and any damaged or broken items replaced. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Equipment Identification and traceability Equipment colour coded or uniquely identified for intended use Records of equipment and traceability 5.1.3 Each department should be supplied with sufficient colour coded or uniiquely identified equipment to eliminate the need to “borrow” items from other areas, even on a temporary basis. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Equipment Identification and traceability Equipment colour coded clearly or uniquely identified for intended use Records of equipment and traceability 5.1.4 The use of brightly coloured coded equipment will significantly reduce the potential for foreign body contamination as splinters of it would be easily identified in the product. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Equipment Identification Equipment colour coded clearly to identify intended use
5.2 Adequate control of product containers 5.2.1 All product containers, whether for raw materials, work in progress or finished product, must be clean and in good condition to prevent the risk of foreign body contamination Auditors recommendations Look At Look For. Equipment Cleaning records for containers aw Material/ Finished Suitability of containers for intended use product conveyance Non-conformance and corrective action reports 5.2.2 Product containers must give the product adequate protection from external sources Auditors Recommendations. Look At: Look For. ent Cleaning records for containers Raw Material Finished Suitability of containers for intended use Non-conformance and corrective action reports Container protection 5.2.3 All product containers must be held off the floor e.g by the use of plastic pallets, plastic wheels to prevent contamination from the floor and to allow access for "clean as you go"in the event of product Auditor's Recommendations. Look At Look For Container Storage Storage to housekeeping and food safety practices Cleaning records for storage facilities 5.2.4 Product containers must not be stored against walls because of the potential foreign body risk, damage to the wall and access for cleaning Auditors recommendations Look At: Look For Product Contamination Non conformance records Foreign Body Records Risk Assessment
5.2 Adequate control of product containers 5.2.1 All product containers, whether for raw materials, work in progress or finished product, must be clean and in good condition to prevent the risk of foreign body contamination. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Equipment Raw Material / Finished product conveyance Cleaning records for containers Suitability of containers for intended use Non-conformance and corrective action reports 5.2.2 Product containers must give the product adequate protection from external sources. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Equipment Raw Material / Finished product conveyance Cleaning records for containers Suitability of containers for intended use Non-conformance and corrective action reports Container protection 5.2.3 All product containers must be held off the floor e.g by the use of plastic pallets, plastic wheels to prevent contamination from the floor and to allow access for “clean as you go” in the event of product spillage’s. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Container Storage Storage to housekeeping and food safety practices Cleaning records for storage facilities 5.2.4 Product containers must not be stored against walls because of the potential foreign body risk, damage to the wall and access for cleaning. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Product Contamination Non conformance records Foreign Body Records Risk Assessment
5.3 Accountability for ingredients in production-full traceability 5.3.1 It is recommended that all ingredients used in production should have a raw material batch code, to identify them in storage and processing, and accompanying documentation. (This also includes packaging) Auditors Recommendations. Look At: Look For. Product Identification and ldentification codes to all product with records for traceability Traceability 5.3.2 Ingredients should be transported within the factory premises in such a way that their identities are not Auditors Recommendations Look At: Look For. Product fication and ldentification codes to all product with records for traceability Tracert 5.3.3 There should be a formalised procedure for the issue of food ingredients from stores indicating the amount issued batch code and date of issue Auditors Recommendations Look At Look For. Product ldentification and ldentification codes to all product with records for traceability Traceability Records of issue to production 5.3.4 Where the addition of batch quantities of ingredients to a batch is carried out manually by an operator the addition of each ingredient to the batch should be recorded at the time of manufacturing to minimise the risk of accidental omission and to ensure traceability of ingredients Auditors Recommendations Look At Look For. Product Identification and ldentification codes to all product with records for traceability Traceability Manufacturing Production records 5.3.5 Where the process involves a"resting"stage or delay with work in progress/part processed materials they must be given a reference code Auditors Recommendations Look At: Look For Product Identification and ldentification of all products whether raw, in-production or finished product Traceability
5.3 Accountability for ingredients in production - full traceability 5.3.1 It is recommended that all ingredients used in production should have a raw material batch code, to identify them in storage and processing, and accompanying documentation. (This also includes packaging). Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Product Identification and Traceability Identification codes to all product with records for traceability 5.3.2 Ingredients should be transported within the factory premises in such a way that their identities are not lost. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Product Identification and Traceability Identification codes to all product with records for traceability 5.3.3 There should be a formalised procedure for the issue of food ingredients from stores indicating the amount issued, batch code and date of issue. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Product Identification and Traceability Identification codes to all product with records for traceability Records of issue to production 5.3.4 Where the addition of batch quantities of ingredients to a batch is carried out manually by an operator, the addition of each ingredient to the batch should be recorded at the time of manufacturing, to minimise the risk of accidental omission and to ensure traceability of ingredients. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Product Identification and Traceability Identification codes to all product with records for traceability Manufacturing / Production records 5.3.5 Where the process involves a “resting” stage or delay with work in progress/part processed materials, they must be given a reference code. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Product Identification and Traceability Identification of all products whether raw, in-production or finished product
5.3.6 The company should have sufficient documentation so that any batch of finished product can be correlated with the individual deliveries of raw materials used in manufacturing and with the corresponding laboratory records. (This is essential in the event of a product recall) Auditors Recommendations Look At Look For Product Identification and Records of traceability Traceability Records of Laboratory tests and results Laboratory Test Records 5.4 Temperature control disciplines 5.4.1 Where hand held digital thermometers are used to check temperatures they must be cleaned and sterilised in between use, to prevent cross contamination Auditors Recommendations Look At: Look For Temperature Control Use of suitable equipment and records maintained Cleaning procedure and records Provision of sterilisation facility suitable for thermometers 5.4.2 Hand held thermometers should be designated to a particular department and should be suitably accurate and precise for the operation being carried out Auditors recommendations Look At Look For Temperature Contro Use of suitable equipment and records maintained 5.4.3 Where temperatures are critical to the process e.g. during cooking of batch recipes, chilling and storage, they should be monitored at an agreed frequency, recorded and signed Auditors Recommendations Look At Look For Temperature Control Use of suitable equipment and records maintained Frequency of recording or use of control charts Completion of temperature records
5.3.6 The company should have sufficient documentation so that any batch of finished product can be correlated with the individual deliveries of raw materials used in manufacturing and with the corresponding laboratory records. (This is essential in the event of a product recall). Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Product Identification and Traceability Laboratory Test Records Records of traceability Records of Laboratory tests and results 5.4 Temperature control disciplines 5.4.1 Where hand held digital thermometers are used to check temperatures they must be cleaned and sterilised in between use, to prevent cross contamination. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Temperature Control Use of suitable equipment and records maintained Cleaning procedure and records Provision of sterilisation facility suitable for thermometers 5.4.2 Hand held thermometers should be designated to a particular department and should be suitably accurate and precise for the operation being carried out. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Temperature Control Use of suitable equipment and records maintained 5.4.3 Where temperatures are critical to the process e.g. during cooking of batch recipes, chilling and storage, they should be monitored at an agreed frequency, recorded and signed. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Temperature Control Use of suitable equipment and records maintained Frequency of recording or use of control charts Completion of temperature records
5. 4. 4 All temperature recording equipment must be regularly calibrated against a given standard and maintained in good condition. Any temperature discrepancies of manual checking against automatic temperature monitoring must be investigated Auditors recommendations Look At Look For Temperature Contro Use of suitably precise equipment Calibration and Testing Frequency of calibration Records of maintenance 5.5 Risk assessment and HAccP documentation 5.5. 1 A system of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control points should be established and all appropriate process flow charts and documentation to go with it should be available Auditors Recommendations: Look At: Look For HACCP System and Plan Establishment of the HACCP principles with relevant material accessible with suitable validation and verification of the plan 5.5.2 There should be evidence that the HACCP system is regularly reviewed and that problems highlighted as a result of internal audits are actioned accordingly Auditor's Recommendations. Look At Look For HACCP System and Plan Internal Quality Audit Records Non conformance and corrective action reports indicate activities actioned onitoring frequency established 5.5. 3 Where the product development programme introduces a new type of product, with different manufacturing parameters, the HACCP system should be implemented prior to product launch Auditors Recommendations Look At: Look For. New Product Development identified new product activities HACCP System and Plan Implementation of HACCP plan to meet new product demands
5.4.4 All temperature recording equipment must be regularly calibrated against a given standard and maintained in good condition. Any temperature discrepancies of manual checking against automatic temperature monitoring must be investigated. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Temperature Control Calibration and Testing Use of suitably precise equipment Frequency of calibration Records of maintenance 5.5 Risk assessment and HACCP documentation 5.5.1 A system of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control points should be established and all appropriate process flow charts and documentation to go with it should be available. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: HACCP System and Plan Establishment of the HACCP principles with relevant material accessible with suitable validation and verification of the plan 5.5.2 There should be evidence that the HACCP system is regularly reviewed and that problems highlighted as a result of internal audits are actioned accordingly. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: HACCP System and Plan Internal Quality Audit Records Non conformance and corrective action reports indicate activities actioned Monitoring frequency established 5.5.3 Where the product development programme introduces a new type of product, with different manufacturing parameters, the HACCP system should be implemented prior to product launch. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: New Product Development HACCP System and Plan Identified new product activities Implementation of HACCP plan to meet new product demands
5.6 Control over refuse, cleaned, covered, emptying frequency 5.5.1 The external facility for the disposal of waste should be located well away from production areas preferably in its own enclosed building, thus minimising the danger of pest infestation or other hazards affecting the factory Auditors Recommendations. Look At: Look For. Waste Disposa Records and procedures for waste disposal Pest Control Records 5.5.2 Internal waste collection systems must be clearly identified as such and be used specifically for that purpose. Containers similar to those used for food, ingredients or packaging are not acceptable for waste collection Auditors Recommendations Look At Look For Waste Disposal Records and procedures for waste disposa Pest Control records Use of suitable containers within food production areas 5.5. 3 A designated operative should be responsible for maintaining the waste control system and ensuring that collection, containers and handling systems are kept scrupulously clean Auditor's Recommendations. Look At Look For Waste Disposal / Factory Assigned Responsibility Hygiene Records of Waste Disposal and Factory Hygiene Cleaning records for waste disposal containers 5.5.4 If the waste facility is not enclosed, disposal receptacles with close fitting lids must be provided, and the lids kept shut when not in use Auditors Recommendations Look At: Look For. Waste Disposal Factory Records of Waste Disposal and Factory Hygiene Cleaning records for waste disposal containers Use of waste containers which may be covered
5.6 Control over refuse, cleaned, covered, emptying frequency 5.5.1 The external facility for the disposal of waste should be located well away from production areas, preferably in its own enclosed building, thus minimising the danger of pest infestation or other hazards affecting the factory. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Waste Disposal Records and procedures for waste disposal Pest Control Records 5.5.2 Internal waste collection systems must be clearly identified as such and be used specifically for that purpose. Containers similar to those used for food, ingredients or packaging are not acceptable for waste collection. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Waste Disposal Records and procedures for waste disposal Pest Control Records Use of suitable containers within food production areas 5.5.3 A designated operative should be responsible for maintaining the waste control system and ensuring that collection, containers and handling systems are kept scrupulously clean. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Waste Disposal / Factory Hygiene Assigned Responsibility Records of Waste Disposal and Factory Hygiene Cleaning records for waste disposal containers 5.5.4 If the waste facility is not enclosed, disposal receptacles with close fitting lids must be provided, and the lids kept shut when not in use. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Waste Disposal / Factory Hygiene Records of Waste Disposal and Factory Hygiene Cleaning records for waste disposal containers Use of waste containers which may be covered
5.5.5 The waste disposal vessels must be sited on proper hard standing with adequate drainage, and access for cleaning and pest control Auditors Recommendations Look At: Look For. Waste Disposal / Factory Records of Waste Disposal and Factory Hygiene Hygiene Cleaning records for waste disposal containers Use of waste containers which may be covered Location and stability of containers 5.5.6 Any waste disposal facility enclosed within the main production building must be adequately screened from food processing areas Auditors Recommendations. Look At Look For Waste Disposal /Factory Records of Waste Disposal and Factory Hygiene Hygiene Cleaning records for waste disposal containers Use of waste containers which may be covered Location and stability of containers Provision of screening of waste disposal containers 5.5.7 All waste materials should be removed as often as possible and should not be allowed to accumulate in any production or service area within the factory Auditors Recommendations. Look At: ook For. Waste Disposal /Factory Records of Waste Disposal and Factory Hygiene Cleaning records for waste disposal containers Containers provided for waste types Identification of containers 5.5.8 Different types of waste, namely food and non-food debris must be handled separately and held in easily identifiable enclosed containers Auditor's recommendations Look At Look For Waste Disposal Factory Records of Waste Disposal and Factory Hygiene Cleaning records for waste disposal containers Identification of containers
5.5.5 The waste disposal vessels must be sited on proper hard standing with adequate drainage, and access for cleaning and pest control. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Waste Disposal / Factory Hygiene Records of Waste Disposal and Factory Hygiene Cleaning records for waste disposal containers Use of waste containers which may be covered Location and stability of containers 5.5.6 Any waste disposal facility enclosed within the main production building must be adequately screened from food processing areas. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Waste Disposal / Factory Hygiene Records of Waste Disposal and Factory Hygiene Cleaning records for waste disposal containers Use of waste containers which may be covered Location and stability of containers Provision of screening of waste disposal containers 5.5.7 All waste materials should be removed as often as possible and should not be allowed to accumulate in any production or service area within the factory. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Waste Disposal / Factory Hygiene Records of Waste Disposal and Factory Hygiene Cleaning records for waste disposal containers Containers provided for waste types Identification of containers 5.5.8 Different types of waste, namely food and non-food debris must be handled separately and held in easily identifiable enclosed containers. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Waste Disposal / Factory Hygiene Records of Waste Disposal and Factory Hygiene Cleaning records for waste disposal containers Containers provided for waste types Identification of containers
5.5.9 Food waste must be disposed of on at least a daily basis, and provision made to dispose of non foo waste at least once per week. Auditors Recommendations Look At: Look For. Waste Disposal / Factory Records of Waste Disposal and Factory Hygiene Hygiene Cleaning records for waste disposal containers Containers provided for waste types Identification of containers Frequency of disposal 5.5.10 All areas for containing waste materials must be kept scrupulously clean and tidy at all times, and all spillage cleaned up immediately. Regular cleaning and disinfecting(according to the cleaning schedul of the area and receptacles is essential Auditors Recommendations Look At. Look For Waste Disposal/ Factory Records of Waste Disposal and Factory Hygiene Hygiene Cleaning records for waste disposal containers Identification of containers Frequency of disposal 5.5.11 Waste disposal and effluent treatment must be monitored. The production process should be audited minimise waste and to ensure that accidental loss of raw materials, process aids, product or other items does not threaten the product or result in pollution Auditors Recommendations Look At. Look For Waste Disposal / Effluent laste Disposal Records Treatment Effluent Data and records of control Production Waste Audit reports 5.5.12 Any on site treatment of effluent must be carried out in an area sited away from the main processing buildings Auditors recommendations. Look At: Look For. Effluent Treatment Effluent treatment facilities and compliance with regulations Control and training of facilities through training records and schedules Role and responsibility of staff
5.5.9 Food waste must be disposed of on at least a daily basis, and provision made to dispose of non-food waste at least once per week. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Waste Disposal / Factory Hygiene Records of Waste Disposal and Factory Hygiene Cleaning records for waste disposal containers Containers provided for waste types Identification of containers Frequency of disposal 5.5.10 All areas for containing waste materials must be kept scrupulously clean and tidy at all times, and all spillage cleaned up immediately. Regular cleaning and disinfecting (according to the cleaning schedule) of the area and receptacles is essential. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Waste Disposal / Factory Hygiene Records of Waste Disposal and Factory Hygiene Cleaning records for waste disposal containers Containers provided for waste types Identification of containers Frequency of disposal 5.5.11 Waste disposal and effluent treatment must be monitored. The production process should be audited to minimise waste and to ensure that accidental loss of raw materials, process aids, product or other items does not threaten the product or result in pollution. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Waste Disposal / Effluent Treatment Waste Disposal Records Effluent Data and records of control Production Waste Audit reports 5.5.12 Any on site treatment of effluent must be carried out in an area sited away from the main processing buildings. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Effluent Treatment Effluent treatment facilities and compliance with regulations Control and training of facilities through training records and schedules Role and responsibility of staff
5.5. 13 Disposal of plant effluent should comply with the requirements of relevant legislation Auditor's Recommendations Look At: Look For. Effluent Treatment laste pathways identified and recorded xpulsion of waste through common practice and legal requirements Efficiency of plant treatment methods and acceptability 5.7 Control of foreign objects/metal detection 5.7.1 All employees on site must be fully conversant with the company' s policy on product protection particularly foreign object risks and adhere to it at all times Auditors Recommendations. Look At: Look For. reign Body Product Foreign Body Policy and records Contamin Non-conformance and corrective action reports Preventative measures 5.7.2 Product protection must be effected by the use of in line equipment, such as magnets, sieves, metal detectors and other appropriate techniques and process design features Auditors Recommendations Look At Look For. Foreign Body Product Foreign Body Policy and records Non-conformance and corrective action reports Preventative measures Use of suitable equipment and techniques to remove contaminants for product protection 5.7.3 Sieves and filters must be cleaned on a regular basis, a minimum of once per production shift and checked by the Quality Assurance personnel at agreed intervals to ensure that there are no signs of deterioration and so that retained lumps, foreign matter etc. can be cleaned off Auditors recommendations Look At Look For. Foreign Body Product Foreign Body Policy and records Contamination Non-conformance and corrective action reports Preventative measures Use of suitable equipment and techniques to remove contaminants for product protecti Equipment calibration and inspection and maintenance records
5.5.13 Disposal of plant effluent should comply with the requirements of relevant legislation. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Effluent Treatment Waste pathways identified and recorded Expulsion of waste through common practice and legal requirements Efficiency of plant treatment methods and acceptability 5.7 Control of foreign objects/metal detection 5.7.1 All employees on site must be fully conversant with the company’s policy on product protection, particularly foreign object risks and adhere to it at all times. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Foreign Body / Product Contamination Foreign Body Policy and records Non-conformance and corrective action reports Preventative measures 5.7.2 Product protection must be effected by the use of in line equipment, such as magnets, sieves, metal detectors and other appropriate techniques and process design features. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Foreign Body / Product Contamination Foreign Body Policy and records Non-conformance and corrective action reports Preventative measures Use of suitable equipment and techniques to remove contaminants for product protection 5.7.3 Sieves and filters must be cleaned on a regular basis, a minimum of once per production shift and checked by the Quality Assurance personnel at agreed intervals to ensure that there are no signs of deterioration and so that retained lumps, foreign matter etc. can be cleaned off. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Foreign Body / Product Contamination Foreign Body Policy and records Non-conformance and corrective action reports Preventative measures Use of suitable equipment and techniques to remove contaminants for product protection Equipment calibration and inspection and maintenance records
5.7.4 Where magnets are used, they must be checked and cleaned at daily intervals so that accumulations of metal can be remove Auditors Recommendations Look At: Look For. Foreign Body Product Equipment calibration and inspection and maintenance record Contamination 5.7.5 No glass may be taken into any production area. All glass breakages must be cleared up immediately and the broken glass placed in a lidded bin specifically for that purpose and identified as such. A written "glass breakage procedure should be in use and strictly adhered to Auditors Recommendations Look At Look For Foreign Body / Product Equipment calibration and inspection and maintenance records Contamination Glass Breakage procedure and records 5.7.6 Engineering maintenance work and repair e.g. drilling, sawing, painting or filing must not be carried out while production is in progress. Maintenance on adjacent non-functional lines can take place, provided that the process operation is adequately screened Auditors recommendations Look At: Look For. Maintenance and Inspection Schedules for Maintenance and Inspection Records of Maintenance and Inspection 5.7.7 When repairs are effected, the area must be thoroughly cleaned prior to restart of production particularly after on-line repairs. Additionally, after redecoration or refurbishment, the production area must be properly ventilated before being brought into use to prevent the risk of product taint. Auditors recommendations. Look At Look For Maintenance and Inspection Schedules for Maintenance and Inspection Records of Maintenance and Inspection Cleaning Schedule Cleaning Records and Methods
5.7.4 Where magnets are used, they must be checked and cleaned at daily intervals so that accumulations of metal can be removed. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Foreign Body / Product Contamination Equipment calibration and inspection and maintenance records 5.7.5 No glass may be taken into any production area. All glass breakages must be cleared up immediately and the broken glass placed in a lidded bin specifically for that purpose and identified as such. A written “glass breakage procedure” should be in use and strictly adhered to. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Foreign Body / Product Contamination Equipment calibration and inspection and maintenance records Glass Breakage procedure and records 5.7.6 Engineering maintenance work and repair e.g. drilling, sawing, painting or filing must not be carried out while production is in progress. Maintenance on adjacent non-functional lines can take place, provided that the process operation is adequately screened. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Maintenance and Inspection Schedules for Maintenance and Inspection Records of Maintenance and Inspection 5.7.7 When repairs are effected, the area must be thoroughly cleaned prior to restart of production, particularly after on-line repairs. Additionally, after redecoration or refurbishment, the production area must be properly ventilated before being brought into use to prevent the risk of product taint. Auditor’s Recommendations: Look At: Look For: Maintenance and Inspection Cleaning Schedule Schedules for Maintenance and Inspection Records of Maintenance and Inspection Cleaning Records and Methods