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5.1 所有者权益概述 5.2 实收资本 5.3 资本公积 5.4 留存收益
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利润表(含利润分配表)是总括地反映企 业一定期间内经营成果的实现及其分配情 况的报表。是一个动态的时期报表。 利润分配的有关内容可归为利润表的一部 分,也可以另行编制利润分配表
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1.1 会计概述 1.2 会计核算的基本前提 1.3 会计核算的一般原则 1.4会计对象、会计报告和会计要素
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4.1 负债概述 4.2 流动负债 4.3 长期负债 4.4 债务重组
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教学目的及要求:本节课要求同学们了解掌握会计的六大要素的含义及构成; 教学重点:六大要素的具体构成项目; 教学难点:资产、负债、所有者权益等要素的具体构成
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一、Course nature and objective 二、 Teaching methods 三、 Test requirements and form 四、 Scoring system 五、Brief contents
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An item of information to be recognized as an element (i.e. formally recorded and reported in the body of the financial statements), an item must
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1. Conceptual overview and uses of the Statement of Cash Flows Intermediate Accounting 5 The Statement of Cash Flows A statement of cash flows is a financial statement of a company that shows the cash inflows, cash outflows, and net change in cash from its operating, investing, and financing activities during an accounting period, in a manner that reconciles the company's beginning and ending cash balances
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1. Classifications of inventory Intermediate Accounting 7 Inventories Inventories are the assets of a company which are :
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There is generally a higher degree of uncertainty regarding the future benefits that may be derived. Their value is subject to wider fluctuations because it may depend to a considerable extent on competitive conditions
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