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The Bipolar Junction Transistor The term Bipolar is because two type of charges (electrons and holes) are involved in the flow of electricity The term Junction is because there are two pn Junctions There are two configurations for this device n-type p-type n-type
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VDRMI VARM =10ms 1/2 sine. Vosu V asM =VDRM+ 100V respectively. Lower voltage grades available. ORDERING INFORMATION When ordering select the required part number shown in the Voltage Ratings selection table r ex For example:
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二次型 一、二次型及其标准形: 定义1:含有n个变量x1,x2,…,xn的二次齐次多项式
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INFLUENCE LINES IN CONTINUOUS BEAMS Number of Spans( <=10) Spar igt Stiffness No of Sections in Span(<=30) El 1000100010001000 O Internal Forces Section Location
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第7章构造数据类型 一、构造数据类型:共用体、用户自定义类型 7.1数组 一组同类型的若干个(已知个数)多个相关变量的数据集合
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The speed of sound Sound waves are longitudinal mechanical waves that can travel through solids, liquids, or gases. The speed of a sound wave in medium(having bulk modulus(容变弹性模量)and density p) is:
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32-8 Lorentz Transformation (LT) P747-749 (洛沦兹变换) Assume two inertial reference frames: S, S' O,o 'coincide’(重合 superimposed) at time:t=0 S为静系,S以υ沿ox轴向右运动(开始时,两 个坐标系原点重合)
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电力现在来考虑这么一种力。这种力活象引力,也是与距离平方成反比地变化的,但比引力 要强约一万亿亿亿亿倍另外,还有一点区别,即存在两种我们可称之为正的和负的物质,种 类相同的相斥,不同的相吸这就不象引力,里只存在吸引这样,会出现什么情景呢?
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10-7平面电磁波 一、电磁波的产生与传播 变化的电磁场在空间以一定的速度传播就形成电磁波
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一、研究对象 热现象:与温度有关的物理性质的变化热运动:构成宏观物体的大量微观粒子的永不休止的无规则运动。 二、研究对象特征 单个分子:无序、具有偶然性、遵循力学规律 整体(大量分子):服从统计规律
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