§2.2 Thermochemistry §2.3 Direction of a chemical reaction To study chemistry using the theories and methods of thermodynamics 1) heat exchange in chemical reactions 2) directions and extent of reaction processes §2.1 the First law of thermodynamics
§4.3 The relationship between standard equilibrium constant K and rGm §4.2 Direction of a chemical reaction §4.1 The state of a chemical reaction at equilibrium §4.4 The shift of a chemical equilibrium
§ 8.4 Buffer solutions § 8.3 Equilibrium in solutions of weak acids and weak bases § 8.2 Ionization equilibrium of water and the pH scale § 8.1 The Brønsted theory of acids and bases
§11.2 The valence bond theory of coordination compounds §11.3 Crystal Field Theoryof coordination compound §11.1 Basic concepts of coordination compounds §*11.5 Further discussion on coordination §11.4 Stability of coordination compounds
§12.1 The elementary substances §12.3 The particularity of Li and Be The diagonal relationship §12.2 The properties of the alkali and alkaline earth compounds