Chapter 7 Crystal Structure X 7.1 The Structures and Types of Crystals X.7.2 Metallic Crystals x§7.3 Ionic Crystals X 7.4 Molecular Crystals ק7.5 Atomic and mixed-bonding Crystals
§7.1 The Structures and Types of Crystals Chapter 7 Crystal Structure §7.5 Atomic and mixed-bonding Crystals §7.4 Molecular Crystals §7.3 Ionic Crystals §7.2 Metallic Crystals
7.1 The Structures and Types of Crystals -7.1.1 Features of Crystal Structures 7.1.4 Types of Crystals
7.1.1 Features of Crystal Structures §7.1 The Structures and Types of Crystals 7.1.4 Types of Crystals
7.1.1 Features of Crystal Structures Crystallove 水晶之恋 alibaba.comcn
7.1.1 Features of Crystal Structures
Al2O3+Cr 生产过程结束 Ruby(红宝石)
生产过程结束 Ruby (红宝石) Al2O3 + Cr
A few basic concepts in crystal Theory Unit Cells The basic repeating unit of a crystalline solid.Any of the unit cells,when repeated in space in all three dimensions,forms the lattice structure characteristic of a crystalline solid. The essentials of unit cells: 1.unit cell dimension and shape: cell parameters:a,b,c, and a,B, a,b,c为六面体边长,a, B,y分别是bc,cm,ab所 组成的夹角
Unit Cells : The basic repeating unit of a crystalline solid. Any of the unit cells, when repeated in space in all three dimensions, forms the lattice structure characteristic of a crystalline solid. cell parameters: a,b,c, and α,β,γ. a,b,c 为六面体边长, α, β,γ 分别是bc , ca , ab 所 组成的夹角。 The essentials of unit cells: 1. unit cell dimension and shape: A few basic concepts in crystal Theory
7.1.2*Crystal defects(晶体缺陷) l.Latent defects(本征缺陷) caused by thermo-fluctuation of particles at the crystal lattice(由于晶体中晶格结点上的微粒热 涨落所导致的缺陷) -Br -Ag*
7.1.2* Crystal defects (晶体缺陷) 1. Latent defects (本征缺陷) caused by thermo-fluctuation of particles at the crystal lattice(由于晶体中晶格结点上的微粒热 涨落所导致的缺陷)
2.Impurity defects(杂质缺陷) caused by insertion of impurity into the crystal lattice(由于杂质进入晶体后所形成的缺陷。 可活动电子 正电空穴 多电子 缺电子
2. Impurity defects (杂质缺陷) caused by insertion of impurity into the crystal lattice (由于杂质进入晶体后所形成的缺陷
3.Nonstoichiometric compounds(非化学计量化合物 组成非化学计量化合物的各个元素原子的相 对数目不能用整数比表示。 Eg,:方铁矿 Ideal formula:FeO Practical composition:Feo.s9O~Feo.960 La-Ni alloy as H2 absorbant:LaNisH Special properties
E.g.,:方铁矿 Ideal formula:FeO Practical composition: Fe0.89O~ Fe0.96O La-Ni alloy as H2 absorbant:LaNi5Hx Special properties 3. Nonstoichiometric compounds (非化学计量化合物) 组成非化学计量化合物的各个元素原子的相 对数目不能用整数比表示
7.1.3*Noncrystal(非晶体) Quasicrystal(准晶体,201 1 Nobel prize) 玻璃、沥青、石蜡、橡胶等均为非晶体。 非晶体没有规则的外形,内部微粒的排 列是无规则的,没有特定的晶面。 石英玻璃一近程有序(0.1nm以下) 远程无序(20nm以上) 制成光导纤维
7.1.3* Noncrystal (非晶体) Quasicrystal (准晶体, 2011 Nobel prize) 玻璃、沥青、石蜡、橡胶等均为非晶体。 非晶体没有规则的外形,内部微粒的排 列是无规则的,没有特定的晶面。 石英玻璃—近程有序(0.1nm以下) 远程无序(20nm以上) 制成光导纤维
quartz crystal quartz glass 石英晶体 石英玻璃 AgAI准晶体 不具备晶体的平移对称性 原子的排列存在5次和6次以上对称轴的
quartz glass 石英玻璃 quartz crystal 石英晶体 AgAl准晶体 不具备晶体的平移对称性 原子的排列存在5次和6次以上对称轴的