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(1)薯类原料甘薯、木薯和马铃薯等 (2)谷物原料玉米、高梁、大米和小麦等 (3)糖类原料废糖蜜、甘蔗、甜菜等 (4)野生植物原料椽子仁、土茯苓、楝树果等 (5)纤维原料森林工业和木材加工工业的下脚料 农作物秸秆、甘蔗渣、废纤维垃圾和废纸浆等。 (6)其他原料亚硫酸纸浆废液、淀粉渣等
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第一节 严格消毒灭菌 第四节 培养基的灭菌 第二节 空气的净化
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一、氨基酸是构成蛋白成分 二、目前世界上可用发酵法生产氨基酸有20多种
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一、菌种的来源 根据资料直接向有科研单位、高等院校、工厂 或菌种保藏部门索取或购买; ·从大自然中分离筛选新的微生物菌种
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The Fourth method: Definition a dictionary will give you two different definitions of the word definition: ( \a statement of what a thing is\and(2)a\a statement or explanation of what a word or phrase means or has meant. \ In the strict sense a definition as we shall use the word here is not of a thing. but of a word or of a process The process of making a definition is not, however, a mere game of words. It is clear that we cannot make a usefu
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The Lathe And Its Construction A lathe is a machine tool used primarily for producing surfaces of revolution and flat edges. Based on their purpose, construction, number of tools that can simultaneously be mounted and degree of automation, lathes-or, more accurately, lathe-type machine tools-can be classified as follows:
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Almost all research papers are expositions. The word exposition quite literally means to set forth a subject. It appeals to the understanding and it is the most common kind of writing, for it is applicable to any task that challenges the understanding--the definition of a word the way to a street address the structure of a plant, the mechanism of a watch, the cause of a historical event the meaning of a philosophy
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Surface quality is another aspect of machining accuracy. It consists of the surface finish and the physic mechanical state of the surface layer. It affects the proper functioning and service life of the parts Surface Finish Machining accuracy is expressed quantitatively in machining error. Surface finish is expressed quantitatively in surface roughness. The surface roughness on a machined workpiece surface is caused primarily by the geometrical factors(cutting tool geometry and cutting
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The manufacturing(or production) process of a factory, in a broad sense, is the sum total of separate processes involved in the conversion of sum total raw materials or semi-finished products into final as far as products. AS far as a factory is concerned, its blank products can be blanks, finished parts
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Action Of a Pair Of Mating Involute Teeth Let a and b be the base circles of a pair of mating involute gears. Line CD is a common tangent to the base circles. while b is the line of centers assume that CD is part of a string being unwound from A and wound upon B, while A and B rotate together in such a manner that string CD remains taut at all times. When A and B start to rotate, point C on the string will leave
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