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一、概述 食品是人类获得热能和各种营养素的基本来源,是人类赖以生存、繁衍的物质基础。 1、植物性食品。如稻谷、油料、蔬菜、水果、薯类、硬果类等
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三、微量元素 (一)铁 铁是人体必需微量元素中含量最多的一种,约 4~5g,在体内含量随年龄、性别、营养状况、健康状 况不同而有异
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一、维生素 维生素俗称维他命( Vitamin),是维持机体正常生理功 能及细胞内特异代谢反应所必需的一类微量低分子有机化合物
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人体能量需要 一、人体能量平衡 1、产能营养素和生理有效能量
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一、营养功能 二、感官功能 三、生理功能 什么是营养? 是指人摄取食物后,在体内消化和吸收、利用其中的营养素以维持生长发育、组织更新和处于健康状态的总过程
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Scope of this lecture Root functions: for plant, soil and ecosystem Root structure and pathways for uptake of nutrients the symplast and apoplast Root architecture(结构) and morphology(形态) Responses of roots and root systems to environmental stress Root hairs and their functions Introduction to combined strategies for efficient
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Concept of plant nutrition Plant nutrition is a term that takes into account the interrelationships of mineral elements in the growth medium as well as their role in plant growth
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Phosphorus in plant physiology P content of plants Approximately 0.2% of plant dry weight is P Plants require a relatively large amount of P. The phosphate concentration in the cytosol is maintained at fairly constant concentrations in the 5 to 8 mol/m3 regardless of the external phosphate concentration except under severe P deficiency. By contrast is the vacuolar phosphate concentration
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The principles of application fertilizers Law of the Minimum: the crop's yield is restricted by the lack of one element, even Mg- al Zn S though there may be sufficient quantities of all the
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Factors effecting the plant uptake 影响养分吸收的因素主要包括介质中的养分浓度、温 度、光照强度、士壤水分、通气状况、土壤pH值、养分离 子的理化性质、根的代谢活性、苗龄、生育时期植物体内养 分状况等
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