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85. The general structure and function of the plasma membrane Introduction The membranes form continuous sheets that form the outer boundaries of the cells or enclose intercellular
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复旦大学:《生理学 Physiology》精品课程教学资源(PPT课件,2019)第五章 血液 第一节 血液与循环系统的进化 第二节 血液生理
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上海交通大学:《微生物学 Microbiology》课程教学资源(双语课件)Lecture 1 Microorganisms & Microbiology
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3.1 Light Microscopy 3.2 Three-Dimentsional Imaging: Interference Contrast, Atomic Force, and Confocal Scanning 3.3 Electron Mciroscopy 3.4 Cell Morphology and the Significance of Being Small
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上海交通大学:《微生物学 Microbiology》课程教学资源(双语课件)Lecture 3 Microbial Cell Biology(3.3)Cell Wall of Prokaryotes:Peptidoglycan and Related Molecules
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上海交通大学:《微生物学 Microbiology》课程教学资源_常见微生物名称中英文索引
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10.1 Mutations and Mutants 10.2 Molecular basis of mutation 10.3 Mutation rates 10.4 Mutagenesis and Mutagens 10.5 Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis: The Ames Test 致突变性与致癌性:艾姆斯试验
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4.10 Bacterial cell surface structures 4.11 Endospores 内生孢子 Properties of Endospores Structure of Endospores Chemical Constitution of Endospores
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3.5 Cytoplasmic membranes: Structure 3.6 Cytoplasmic membranes: Function 3.7 Membrane transport systems 3.8 Cell Wall 3.9 The Outer Membrance of Gram-negative Bacteria
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上海交通大学:《微生物学 Microbiology》课程教学资源(双语课件)Lecture 2 An Overview of Microbial Life
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