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第一、二、三章 细胞概述 第四章 细胞膜与细胞表面 第五章 物质的跨膜运输与信号传导 第六章 细胞质基质与细胞内膜系统 第七章 细胞能量转换器——线粒体和叶绿体 第八章 细胞核和染色体 第九章 核糖体 第十章 细胞骨架 第十一章 细胞增值及其调控 第十二章 细胞分化与基因调控 第十三章 细胞衰老和凋亡
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13.1 Photosynthesis 13.2 Chlorophylls and Bacteriochlorophylls 叶绿素与菌绿素 13.3 Accessory pigments 其它色素 13.4 Anoxygenic Photosynthesis: purple bacteria as example 不产氧光合作用 13.5 Oxygenic photosythesis 产氧光合作用
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13.6 The Energetics of Chemolithotrophy 13.7 Hydrogen Oxidation 氢的氧化 13.8 Oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds 还原态硫的氧化 13.9 Iron Oxidation 铁氧化 13.10 Nitrifying bacteria 硝化细菌 13.11 Anammox Major Biosyntheses: Autotrophy and Nitrogen Fixation 13.12 Autotrophic CO2 fixation: The Calvin cycle卡尔文循环固定CO2 13.13 Autotrophic CO2 fixation: Other autotrophic pathways in phototrophs 13.14 Nitrogenase and nitrogen fixation 固氮酶与固氮作用
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13.15 Fermentations: Energetic and redox consideration 13.16 Fermentative Diversity 13.17 Fermentations lacking substrate level phosphorylation 13.18 Anaerobic respiration: : General Principles 13.19 Nitrate reduction and Denitrification硝酸还原与反硝化 13.20 Sulfate Reduction 硫还原 13.21 Methanogenesis 产甲烷过程 13.22 Other Electron Acceptors
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I. Symbioses between Microorganisms II. Plants as Microbial Habitats 2. The Legume–Root Nodule Symbiosis 3. Agrobacterium and Crown Gall Disease 4. Mycorrhizae III. Animals as Microbial Habitats 5. The Mammalian Gut 6. The Rumen and Ruminant Animals 7. The Human Microbiome 8. Termites
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12.1 Early Microbial Life on Earth 12.1.1 Conditions on Early Earth: hot and Anoxic 12.1.2 Evidence for Life on early Earth: Stromatolites 叠层石 12.2 Origin of Cellular life 12.3 Primitive Life: Early Metabolism 12.4 Eukaryotes and Organelles: Endosymbiosis 内共生
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18.10 Fungi 真菌 18.10.1 Fungal Physiology, Structure, and Symbioses 18.10.2 Fungal Reproduction and Phylogeny Chen Feng, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 18.10.3 Filamentous Fungi: Molds 18.10.4 Macroscopic Fungi: Mushrooms大型真菌:蘑菇 18.10.5 Unicellular 18.11 Algae 藻类 Fungi: Yeasts
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I. Bacterial Cell Division 5.1 Cell Growth and Binary Fission 5.2 Fts proteins and the cell division plane 5.3 Peptidoglycan synthesis and cell division 肽聚糖合成与细胞分裂 5.4 Growth terminology and the concept of exponential growth 5.5 The mathematics of exponential growth 5.6 The Growth Cycle 生长周期
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5.10 Effect of Temperature on Growth 5.11 Microbial growth at cold temperatures 5.12 Microbial growth at high temperatures 5.14 Osmotic Effects on Microbial Growth 渗透压影响 5.15 Oxygen and microbial growth Aerobes好氧菌 • Strict Aerobes专性好氧菌 • Microaerophiles微好氧菌 • Facultative aerobes兼性好氧菌 Anaerobes厌氧菌 • Aerotolerant anaerobes耐氧的厌氧菌 • Obligate (strict) anaerobes专性厌氧菌 5.16 Toxic forms of oxygen
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I. Physical Antimicrobial Control 6.1 Heat Sterilization 6.2 Radiation Sterilization 6.3 Filter Sterilization II. Chemical Antimicrobial Control Antiseptics防腐剂 Disinfectants消毒剂 Sterilants杀菌剂 6.4 Chemical Growth Control 6.4.1 Effect of antimicrobial agents on growth 6.4.2 Measuring antimcirobial activity 6.5 Chemical antimicrobial agents for external use
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