85. The general structure and function of the plasma membrane Introduction The membranes form continuous sheets that form the outer boundaries of the cells or enclose intercellular
3.1 Light Microscopy 3.2 Three-Dimentsional Imaging: Interference Contrast, Atomic Force, and Confocal Scanning 3.3 Electron Mciroscopy 3.4 Cell Morphology and the Significance of Being Small
10.1 Mutations and Mutants 10.2 Molecular basis of mutation 10.3 Mutation rates 10.4 Mutagenesis and Mutagens 10.5 Mutagenesis and Carcinogenesis: The Ames Test 致突变性与致癌性:艾姆斯试验
3.5 Cytoplasmic membranes: Structure 3.6 Cytoplasmic membranes: Function 3.7 Membrane transport systems 3.8 Cell Wall 3.9 The Outer Membrance of Gram-negative Bacteria