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Vehicle Development Research Laboratory Presented at MIT 4/14/04 for 16.888/sd.77J Multidisciplinary System Design Optimization (MSDO) Prof. Olivier de Weck and Prof. Karen Willcox ... Designing Great GM Cars and Trucks!
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一、重要不等式 设非负r:vX的期望E(X)存在,则对于任意实数>0
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一、随机变量的独立性 将事件独立性推广到随机变量两个r相互独立性
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Random walks 1 Random walks a drunkard stumbles out of a bar staggers one step to the right, with a canal lies y steps to his right. Thi I equal p second, he either staggers one step to the left or probability. His home lies r steps to his left, and everal natural questions, including 1. What is the probability that the drunkard arrives safely at home instead of falling into the canal? 2. What is the expected duration of his journey however it ends? The drunkard's meandering path is called a random walk. Random walks are an im- portant subject, because they can model such a wide array of phenomena. For example
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Problem 1 Deal-Grove model states that the thickness of the oxide is related to a time constant r and two constants A and b by the relation
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这里我们将概述复变函数论在物理问题中的应用所依据的某 些基本事实 令C表复数域z=x+iy,x,y∈R.其元素z与一平面上 的点(x,y)一一对应起来,这个平面称为复平面.在复平面上加 进无穷远点(或理想点)∞,对于复变函数问题是方便的,于是得 到紧致平面C=CU{∞}.C同胚于球面S2 令GCC为一域
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一、电场强度 1、库仑定律:真空中点电荷之间存在一种特殊的力的作用,称为库 仑力,若有两个点电荷,电量分别为q1、q2,距离为r,力与距离平方 成反比,与电量之积成正比
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一.(16分)选择题(每题只许选一个答案) (1)孔板流量计的孔流系数C当R增大时,其值 A总在增大B先减小,后保持为定值总在减小D不定 (2)某液体在内径为do的水平管路中稳定流动,其平均流速为,当它以相同的体积流量通 过等长的内径为d2(d2=do2)的管子时,若流体为层流,则压降p为原来的倍
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一、万有引力、重力、弹性力作功的特点 (1)万有引力作功 以m为参考系,m的位置矢量为r
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一.求B 1.一无穷长载流直导线, 在某处弯成一个半径 为R的半形,通以电
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