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7.1非线性系统问题概述 7.2常见非线性因素对系统影响 7.3描述函数 7.4描述函数分析法
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重庆大学:《建筑智能化技术》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第六章 办公自动化系统
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第一节A/D转换接口的扩展 第二节D/A转换接口的扩展 第三节开关量接口的扩展 第四节电压/频率转换器件
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Preamble This note has been written for a b asic course in robust and optimal control at 9th term of the ystem Construction Line, Institute of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University. Originall the note was intended for a course consisting of six modules of four hours each. Currently
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第一节串行通信概述 第二节MCS-51单片机的串行接口 第三节串行口应用举例
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一.闭环控制系统的系统的性能要求 1.系统应该是稳定的:是工作前提。 2.系统要满足暂态品质要求。 3.系统要满足稳态误差要求
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第一节单片机的基础知识 第二节数制与码制 第三节常用单片机系列介绍
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Chapter 3 Nominal and Robust Performance This chapter presents approaches to formulate performance specifications for a control sy stem
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In this chapter a number of tools for the analysis of multivariable systems will be given.In particular, this will indude poles and zeros of multivariable sy stems the generalized Nyquist Theorem for st ability analysis of multivariable sy stems, and frequency responses for multi-
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9.1线性系统的状态空描述 9.2状态方程求解 9.3可控性与可观测性 9.4状态反馈与状态观测器
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