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Chapter 2 The Modigliani-Miller theorem \When capital markets are perfect and complete, corporate decisions are trivial.\ 2.1 Arrow-Debreu model with assets 2.1.1 Primitives
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《公共经济学》课程教学资源(书籍文献)The Growth in Government Expenditure and National Income
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Bayesian Learning in Social Networks Douglas Gale(Corresponding Author) Department of Economics. New York University
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《公共经济学》课程教学资源(书籍文献)The Lighthouse in Economics
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Capital Structure The Modigliani and Miller capital structure and payout policy theorems were the result of the practical questions\How should a firm choose its capital structure\. The theory that we covered last time clarified the nature of the modigliani and miller result
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1. 异方差的含义和产生的背景 2. 异方差性对模型的影响 3. 异方差性的检验 4. 异方差性补救措施
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