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一. 键能, 键长, 偶极矩 二. 电子效应和空间效应 三. 分子轨道理论 四. 芳香性和休克尔规则
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Olefin Addition RXns in Polyether Synthesis-1 Chem
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Advanced Organic Chemistry Handout–10A Diastereoselective Attack of Electrophiles on Chiral Olefins Matthew D. Shair Wednesday
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Carey & Sundberg: Part A; Chapter 7 Carbanions & Other Nucleophilic Carbon Species
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辽宁工业大学:《高等有机化学》课程教学大纲 Advanced Organic Chemistry
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1. Type II Diels-Alder II. Radical Reactions A. 5-Exo- and 6-Endo- Ring Formations
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Part I Introduction 1. The development history of organic synthesis 2. The influences of organic synthesis on organic chemistry 3. The research scope of organic synthesis
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I Classification of Rearrangement Reactions II Nucleophilic Rearrangement 1 Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement 2 Pinacolic Rearrangement 3 α-ethandione Rearrangement 4 Beckmann Rearrangement 5 Baeyer-Villiger Rearrangement III Electrophilic Rearrangement
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