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《综合英语 Comprehensive English》课程教学资源(Close Reading)Module I. Introduction to Major Western Countries Unit 3 Canada
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《综合英语 Comprehensive English》课程教学资源(Close Reading)Module I. Introduction to Major Western Countries Unit 1 The United Kingdom
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《综合英语 Comprehensive English》课程教学资源(Close Reading)Module I. Introduction to Major Western Countries Unit 2 The United States
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上海交通大学:《历史视野下的美国文化 American Culture Under the Historical Perspective》通识课程教学资源(学生论文)潘昊 20and contrast Columbus’s exploration of America and Zheng He’s trip to “The Western Ocean
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西安石油大学外国语学院:《西方礼仪文化 Western Etiquette Culture》通识课程教学资源(电子课件,英文版)08.实用文体书写礼仪 The Etiquette of Practical Writings
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西安石油大学外国语学院:《西方礼仪文化 Western Etiquette Culture》通识课程教学资源(电子课件,英文版)06.丧葬礼仪 The etiquette in Funeral Ceremony
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西安石油大学外国语学院:《西方礼仪文化 Western Etiquette Culture》通识课程教学资源(电子课件,英文版)04.着装礼仪 The Etiquette of Dressing
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西安石油大学外国语学院:《西方礼仪文化 Western Etiquette Culture》通识课程教学资源(电子课件,英文版)02. 公共场合行为礼仪 The Etiquette of Behavior in Public Places
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西安石油大学外国语学院:《西方礼仪文化 Western Etiquette Culture》通识课程教学资源_教学大纲(刘西娟)
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Chapter 1 An Introduction to Chinese-English Translation  Ⅰ. Three peaks of translation in history  1. The Translation of Buddhist Classics: the First Peak  2. The translation of books on science and technology: the second peak  (科技翻译:中国的士大夫和传教士联手将欧洲的宗教、哲 学、科技和文学等“西学”介绍到中国来。)  3.The Translation of Western Classics: the Third Peak  (鸦片战争后至“五四”前的西方政治思想和文学翻译)
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