Unit 2 The Etiquette of Behavior in public places NordriDesign提 www.nordridesign.com
Unit 2 The Etiquette of Behavior in Public Places 由NordriDesign提供 www.nordridesign.com
Part I Lead-in Exercises Please rank"Top five"from the following uncivilized conducts in campus life and compare them with your partners 1)Spit and litter at will. 2) Trample lawn, and pick flowers 3)Paste up posters where they shouldn't come into view. 4)Scratch on the desks, walls, etc. 5)Take seats long before arriving 6)Stay in the classroom without switching off mobile phone or turning it into silent mode 7) Show some excessive intimacy in public places 8)Behave rudely in public places(such as picking nose, blowing one's nose, digging one's ears, sneezing at others). 9)Dress not properly in public places (such as dressing in slippers a pajama and etc. ) 10) Cut in lines or jump the queue(lunch time)
Part Ⅰ Lead-in Exercises Please rank “Top five” from the following uncivilized conducts in campus life and compare them with your partners. 1) Spit and litter at will. 2) Trample lawn, and pick flowers. 3) Paste up posters where they shouldn’t come into view. 4) Scratch on the desks, walls, etc. 5) Take seats long before arriving. 6) Stay in the classroom without switching off mobile phone or turning it into silent mode. 7) Show some excessive intimacy in public places. 8) Behave rudely in public places (such as picking nose, blowing one’s nose, digging one’s ears, sneezing at others). 9) Dress not properly in public places (such as dressing in slippers, a pajama and etc.). 10) Cut in lines or jump the queue (lunch time)
Look at the following picture. Do you think they behave well or not? If not, specify them 6
Look at the following picture. Do you think they behave well or not? If not, specify them
Monsters on Buses or in the Subway 一:挡门妖 网N小 这种妖常出没于早上高峰时间,即使后面有空间,这两个妖会很 有默契地站在门中间,挡住去路,让我们凡人知难而退
Monsters on Buses or in the Subway
二:龟壳妖 这种背著龟壳的妖,本身是无害。但是如果岀现在拥挤的捷运上 出没的话,就很有杀伤力。只要他一移动就会挤压人的五脏六腑
三:睡妖 这种妖会很自在地坐在博爱座,平时眼睛睁开,但是一旦看到老 弱妇孺就会闭上眼睛马上睡著。神奇的是,到了他要下车的车站 ,会马上醒来下车
四:马尾妖 这种马尾妖,如果在很挤的通勤时间时,杀伤力可能比龟壳妖还 要大。因为只要妖的头一转动,马尾就会猛搔你的五官
五:偷看妖 这种妖,专门爱看大萤幕。如果你拿著iPad,又刚好在看偷看妖 正在追的韩剧,很有可能他会直接把下巴放在你的肩膀上,一起 看韩剧,直到你下车为止
六:爽报妖 □ 这种妖,也有分好多种,有些会稍微含蓄地折起爽报默默地看。 有些则是很豪气地双手打开来,迫不及待跟周围的人一起分享
七:钢管妖 这种妖,一看到空的钢管会毫不犹豫地整隻抱上去,与钢管融合 为一体,完全无视其他人