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第3章音频信息处理 学习目标 一、了解声音信号的特点、存储格式及质量的度量方法 二、理解音频信号压缩方法及音频编码标准 三、掌握常用的音频处理软件对声音信号进行处理了解语音识别技术及其应用
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第1章多媒体技术概论 1.1多媒体技术的基本概念 1.2多媒体技术的发展 1.3多媒体技术的研究内容 1.4多媒体技术的应用领域 1.5多媒体技术的发展趋势 1.6本章小结
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Fast response(tdon 3 FS, doff <6 Hs) Precise timing(Atdoff 800 ns) Patented free floating silicon technology Optimized low on-state and switching losses Very high EMI immunity Cosmic radiation withstand rating
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Patented free-floating silicon technology Low on-state and switching losses Designed for traction, energy and industrial applications Optimum power handling capability Blocking
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DoC. No. 5SYA1036-03 Sep Two thyristors integrated into one wafer Patented free-floating silicon technology Designed for traction, energy and industrial applications Optimum power handling capability Interdigitated amplifying gate The electrical and thermal data are valid for one thyristor half of the device
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Direct fiber optic controll and status Fast response(tdon 3 FS, doff <6 Hs) Precise timing Patented free-floating silicon technology High reliability Very high EMI immunity
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Patented free-floating silicon technology Low on-state and switching losses Optimized for use as freewheeling diode in GTo converters Standard press-pack housing, hermetically cold-welded Cosmic radiation withstand rating
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Process Control Instrumentation Technology 常用调节规律 1.位式控制,即两位式逻辑开或关(ON/OFF)控制; 2.比例( proportiona)积分 integra)微分derivative)控制,简称PD控制;
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Process Control Instrumentation Technology 执行器 作用:控制流入或流出被控过程的物料或能量,从而实现对过程参数的自动控制。 执行器组成: 1.执行机构(驱动) 2.调节机构(阀芯) 接受调节器输出的控制信号,转换成直线位移或角位移,来改变调节阀的流通截面积
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