11.1 氧化还原反应 11.2 原电池 11.3 实用电池 11.4 有关电解的几个问题 The primary concepts of redox reactions Balancing redox equations Spontaneity of redox reactions at high temperature and the diagram of llingham Spontaneity of redox reactions in aqueous solution and electrode potential
1.1 道尔顿原子论 Dalton atomic theory 1.2 相对原子质量(原子量) relative atomic weight 1. 3 原子的起源和演化 the origin and evolvement of atom 1.4 氢原子结构的量子力学模型 the quantum mechanical model of the structure of hydrogen atom — — 玻尔行星模型 Bohr’ model 1.5 核外电子运动的量子力学模型 the wave mechanical model of the structure of atom 1.6 基态原子的核外电子排布 ground-state electron configuration 1.7 元素周期表 the periodic table of elements 1.8 元素周期性 atomic periodic