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Chapter One Transition to Modern Information Science Unit3 Part 1 Notes to Text Part 2 Word Study Part5 Notes to Passage Part3 Practice on Text Part6 Practice on Passage Part4 Extensive Reading
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Chapter Two Sensing Technology Chapter Study Tasks (2) In this chapter, you will be able to -Get the general idea of remote sensing -Tell the difference between passive and active sensors -Get the general ideas of the texts and extensive -Complete all the practice required
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Chapter Three Telecommunication Technology Chapter Study Tasks (3) In this chapter, you will be able to Identify the key concepts of telecommunication -Learn the basics of data and serial communications -Get the general ideas of the text and the extensive reading -Complete all the practice required
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Chapter Five Microform Technology Chapter Study Tasks (5) In this chapter, you will be able to Get the general idea of microform technology Identify the uses of Microforms Get the general ideas of the texts and extensive readings -Complete all the practice required
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双口元件是在微波中应用最多的一种元件,按功能分类如下图所示。与单口元件相似,双口元件一 般采用网络理论进行分析。但是,在这里值得指出: 元件的网络参数本身还是需要用场论方法求得,或者 实际测量得到。从这个意义上讲,场论是问题的内部本质,而网络则是问题的外部特性
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从这次课开始,将介绍几种毫米波传输线。 频率的升高对于微带的主要问题是:高次模的出现 ,色散的影响和衰减的加大
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如果说微波传输线充当低频的R、L、C部件,那 么微波谐振腔相当于低频振荡电路。这是振荡器、 滤波器和耦合器应用中所必须涉及的
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完成特殊功能的网络称为元件( Element)。在习惯上,我们常常采用网络理论来分析元件。在传 输线理论中,已经介绍过传输A参数,这里将首先研究散射S参数
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3.1网络设计的目标 3.2拓扑结构设计 3.3网络组件设计 3.4IP地址分配 3.5IP路由设计
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