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Second law Functions F and G Property relation Property relation derived from U, H, F, and G etc
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Continue / Review previous 2nd law Entropy Reversible process Carnot cycle etc
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Surface energy surface tension Effect of surface curvature ·Vapor pressure ·Solubility of small particles ·Wetting of surfaces
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Surface energy surface tension Effect of surface curvature Vapor pressure Solubility of small particles ·Wetting of surfaces ·Gibbs absorption isotherm
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重庆大学:《金属材料的力学行为 mechanical behavior of metallic materials》PPT教学课件(2/2,彭晓东,附听课备注)
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本章总结: 材料的基本物理性质; 材料的力学性质; 材料的耐久性
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1组合变形和叠加原理 2拉伸或压缩与弯曲的组合 3偏心压缩和截面核心 4扭转与弯曲的组合 5组合变形的普遍情况
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南京航空航天大学:《材料力学》第十二章 弯曲的几个补充问题
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:135.44KB 文档页数:3
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